Was narrating Bill Gate's Book "How to prevent the next pandemic" a good career move for Wil Weaton

Was narrating Bill Gate's Book "How to prevent the next pandemic" a good career move for Wil Weaton

Attached: wil wheaton soyboy.jpg (673x1024, 64.53K)

A better question would be: has he even done anything good ever?

Wil Weaton has a career?!?!?!?!


i hate this fucker so much its unreal.

trend setter

I got covid off my triple jabbed friend. I’m unjabbed and currently have a slight headache and slight temperature that’s been easing since this morning

Stand by me

Is he a fag who likes to have his ass handled by nazis? Because he does everything to attract them.

kinda based ngl

Nazis used to be actual neo nazis on twitter posting racist cartoons.

I find his guzzling of soi troubling.

Huh... yeah you're right, I completely forgot he was in that. Shame how he turned out

rip user
we hardly knew ye

I will avenge your death. Wil Wheaton must pay.

If I die just know there are no regrets. I’m still glad I exercised my bodily autonomy and didn’t take an experimental gene therapy to save me from this mild discomfort

I laughed very hard at this thread. Thankyou Any Forums.

Has he done anything of note besides Stand By Me when he was 13

He was brilliant in BBT. He basically made the show.. his sparring with Sheldon? Classic hahah

I'm unjabbed and got covid, was like a bad cold.
An older friend of mine who has leukemia in her 50s got it though and I'm afraid that... that for her it was an even milder cold.
user, mentality is a big part of dealing with sickness. This isn't the initial Wuhan variant, you're gonna be fine. Take vitamins, drink ginger and honey tea and all that shit and just rest. Nothing's gonna happen.

>I actually enjoyed BBT
Whatever your opinion was, it has been discarded.

>Whatever your opinion was, it has been discarded.

He gotcha good.

Thanks. Yeah I agree psychology is a lot to do with it, people who got jabbed because they were scared shitless of it probably have a big placebo effect about it

>people who got jabbed because they were scared shitless of it probably have a big placebo effect about it
Close but they're not people anymore