Explain Eraserhead to me at a grade seven level

Explain Eraserhead to me at a grade seven level.

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film depiction of a fever nightmare

It's David Lynch's most spiritual work

what did he say again?

Fatherhood is scary

fear of fatherhood
also primary colors are bullshit

Elaborate on that.

Don't cum in pussy raw you're not willing to marry or run away from.

shy, sensitive white man experiences life in a postmodern nightmare world (1970s Philadelphia)
the baby is what you get instead of a family
the woman is what you get instead of a loving wife
the dystopian escher architecture is what you get instead of a world
the lady in the radiator is your way of coping (stare into nothingness, coom, and hum a catchy tune)

Mentally ill hack pseudo makes trash with wacky visuals that mean nothing outside of there being a baby in the movie and the main character being disgusted by it. If you have a very big brain and you can notice the very subtle sub-text you may notice the baby represents fatherhood and how David Lynch is afraid to be a dad. It's very deep and not many people can pick up on such a deep story.

Protect Trans Kids: The Movie


in heaven everything is fine

Its a surreal story about a man who takes care of a deformed child in a depressing nightmare of a life.

There's really nothing to get, Lynch pretty much admited that he shot stuff for the film and hoped it made sense, hence why he calls it his "most spiritual film"
But it also gives the film an unoredictable and unnerving quality that hasn't really been matched.

Watch it for the horror aspect, or just for the surreal art aspect.

It’s about the duality of man, the jungian thing.

Eraserhead sucks and is the product of a hack who has been propped by double-ironic midwits that like to signal they are of a high intellect by proclaiming their love for what they perceive as arthouse material but is really just senseless slop some smug jackass came up with while he was half asleep scribbling down last nights weird dream. It isn't good. It isn't something that "discard a strict adherence to plot for a feeling and an alternative means of perception" or some other fucking gay word salad. It is hackery from a boob. Nothing more. Everything David Lynch has ever done has been crap. The two near exceptions to this are season one of Twin Peaks and Dune. These however do not count. Season one of Twin Peaks was good because of it's charming setting, not it's stupid story which ultimately goes nowhere. David Lynch just had to make rural white people in the pacific northwest look charming. They already are without him, so it's no great accomplishment.
Dune doesn't count either as:
1) it isn't very good, it's merely the best adaptation of the novel that's been made. This isn't actually an accomplishment, however. The novel is essentially incapable of a good adaptation and making the best steaming pile of shit in a competition full of steaming shit still leaves the judges eating shit.
2) David Lynch totally disavowed Dune. He says it isn't his movie. He says the studio came along and ruined it in the editing room. Which means the fact that this movie actually has a fairly coherent beginning, middle, and end that the viewer can follow, the fact that no characters just on a whim disappear and never return because they got swallowed by some fucking key or black magic box or something, the fact that there aren't 55 unanswered plot threads that were brought in and then never answered, all that? All that was the studio. Lynch put in the stupid voice weapons and made the baron full of disgusting sores that we watch a doctor lance in close-up.

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Some dork married a slut and she shits out a retarded mutant and like all whores she runs off to suck more cock, leaving the guy stuck with it. He can’t handle it by himself and starts going apeshit bro. Then it gets weird as fucking shit and maybe it was a dream, you gotta watch it man, shits gay as fuck like for faggots for real dude

It's a pro-choice movie about a man who tries to care for premature freak baby that should have been aborted. The baby-thing is better off dead, and eventually he kills it, because as the moon face woman in the radiator sings, "in heaven everything is fine".

Fatherhood anxiety.

You said so much without saying anything. It's remarkable.

Ya okay here goes. Symbolism is a meme. Ignore it little dude and you'll go far. The only place symbolism belongs is religion


He can't because Lynch sucks.