Is this actually how it feels on Adderall?

Is this actually how it feels on Adderall?

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Drugs are corny

The show is corny as fuck

youre corny you fucking stupid bitch


Not quite

Motherfuckers that can't handle their drugs and straightedge weirdos are equally corny. Grow the fuck up, faggots.

he literally looks like Gollum

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literally switched it off the second he had sex

>grow the fuck up
These people you refer to already have done this, unlike fags like you. At least they will now be content being able to be in the time frame of your early death

No. Adderall and you just busted a nut, sure, but if it has the same effect on you physically as cocaine, good luck cumming.
Molly will make you smile like that if you're listening to music you enjoy. You don't even have to be doing anything, just listening will feel great. Depending on circumstance (strain, your mood, blah blah blah) weed could do it too, especially with a large edible that makes you feel like you're kind of dying but in a good way.

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>do drugs or you're weird

i think i have unironic adhd because when i did Adderall it was like i finally understood people's motivations and how the world works
like everything clicked

He's just too fucking ugly and the premise, story, and how everything goes down is just so fucking lame. Literally catered towards onion people and the obese. Corny, shit.

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>Do you want to drink?
>Why not?
>I'm already feeling good

No but I wish it was

Well he's right in that you will be considered weird if you're the only one sober at an event. You're certainly an outlier. I think I was the only one at my high school reunion not drinking. But if you act smug and shitty about the fact that you're able to show some restraint while they need to get plastered at the event then head to a bar afterwards to keep drinking more while you can remain sober, you're gonna lose friends fast. Keep your superiority complex to yourself, even if it is correct.
There's a certain age where if you're still "partying" very frequently, you will have zero friends except similar degenerates. It's a scope that starts to narrow in on you around age 25, and by 30 you've kind of made your bed.

>He has social anxiety but still gets laid? This show is unrealistic!!

I swear you guys are a bunch of virgins

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weird how tv writers have no idea what drugs are like. It's like that kid in middle school who thinks he's a stoner from sniffing markers

I can't unsee how much he looks like Harmony Wonder. Sort of like how Ray William Johnson looks like Mia Khalifa.

I can’t enjoy uppers period, they just make me feel like shit. I still snort coke like it’s funny

How did you know?

>we want the FASD audience

why don't you just snort xannies instead?

no idea

>benzo withdrawal
No thanks.

I just started taking Vyvanse and it gives me a kind of calm but energetic focus. But the comedown is annoying. After 5 I'm brain-dead tired and can't function. Still, being productive during the day is better than being none productive all the time.

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Every time I try to find adderall people look at me like I'm fucking stupid. How do I get a doctor to gib?

I think i have ADHD because my therapist did some tests and although he doesn't want to do a whole diagnosis program with interviewing my parents and stuff, i scored in the 99th percentile of the ADHD test so it's pretty likely i have it. Now, i had a girl over who also has ADHD and she brought her meds and forgot them. I don't know what they are exactly, i never tried but i am in a life situation right now where i don't get anything done and just waste weeks on end, should I take a pill and see how it goes?

ok just found them they are called amfexa 10mg and I have like 6 of them

do benzos have hangovers