Which Evil Dead is best?

Which Evil Dead is best?

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Army of Darkness

I prefer the first one, but I think most people prefer the second one.

none of them. one of the most overhyped cargo cult film series

I thought I liked the second more but I rewatched them both recently and I think the first one is better overall. The first one is actually tense, the second one is just fun and goofy.

the one with the tree rape

Anything with Bruce Campbell
In the theater not the movie he’s funny in person but lacks screen presence

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>Evil Dead is a masterpiece of low budget indie horror!
>Can you believe Sam Raimi made it with only the equivalent of $1.2 million?!

3>ash v evil dead>2>remake>1


Scream Factory is finally coming out with their 4K release of Army of Darkness.

I want the steelbook, but the steelbook comes with its own custom art poster instead of the original art that the normal version comes with. I wish you could choose the poster.

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the 2013 remake

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>Le epic contrarian

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Mother of plebs

If Jane Levy wasn't so cute, nobody would care for the remake

>we will never have any more Ash Williams kino ever again
Kinda sad, but maybe it's for the best.


We'll always have edits

the first one is still kinda creepy

meh first one seem more basic to me. The second one was more fun especially with the chainsaw.

Depends what I'm in the mood for. Only plebs put things in tiers.

But if it does t fit in to my heckin convenientino box then how am I supposed to absorb media at a pace so rapid I can’t possibly hope to comprehend it?
I’m a zoomer, I’m not here for substance

Might as well get the custom poster, the other poster can be bought elsewhere

2 and army of darkness should be watched in tandem and is probably the best experience, which leads into ash vs the evil dead. The first is a great movie by itself. Save 2013 for last after you know all of the tropes, it's a well done nod to the original. Also don't sleep on Bubba Hotep, Brisco County Junior, and My Name is Bruce.

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First one had the best gore which is something I miss from the sequels (besides the remake of course), but I get that it wouldn't have fit the comedic tone.

Best way to watch would be the first movie, then skip the beginning of 2, then AoD

>Boy I sure do wish I could make a good horror movie
Raimi makes Evil dead, a universally panned movie. People think its supposed to be a joke and terrible.
>Boy I sure do wish I could make a horror comedy
Original studio tells him to fuck off, so Raimi shoots new footage and essentially just makes the same movie again, but with more of a schlocky, gross, over-the-top dark comedy angle to it
>Is praised for being a "genius" director
Makes Army of Darkness and goes too far in a few places and is generally a loved/hated movie among fans

Fuck Raimi man. People were always too lenient to see him for the hack he always was. Its more obvious nowadays than it was back in his hayday.

I think the tree rape is a little better in the original- so that's probably the better movie idk never watched any bad 80's cult movies really.

He's better when he's not trying to be good. It's like that one guy in your circle who is fucking hilarious naturally but the moment you tell him that he starts trying too hard to live up to expectation and kills it.