Is your cunt losing population?

Is your cunt losing population?

What can be done to fix it?

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Time to important more blacks and brown.


How? Why? Someone please stop it.

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Test tube babies.
Human cloning.

Why is Nigeria so populated their country fucking sucks and is owned by an oil oligarchy that constantly fumbles shit


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Food-surplus countries send them free food and medical supplies and have done this for the past 60 years
Same goes for many sub-saharan countries

Everyone knew this was going to happen, when conditions improve people stop having so many kids.

it's not going to happen. I already said this somewhere this morning, but: This planet can only sustain life for 2 billion people tops, but we have stretched it too thin with shit like artificial fertilizers and abusing fossil fuels. We're living on borrowed time and shit will come crashing down in the next 20 years. Great agricultural collapse will happen before nigeria gets out of hand

Future population projections always overestimate

>when conditions improve people stop having so many kids.
It's pure economics. When child labor was legal, children were profitable so people had a lot of them, now children are nothing more than a very expensive conversation piece so people stop having them

Nigeria can barely sustain 200 million. They will have massive famine before they come close to 800. Luckily for them their birth rates are plummeting though. They will halve by 2050 and be near or below replacement by 2080.

>We've reached carrying capacity! It's definitely going to happen this time! Trust me!

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They are increasing for the short term. In our lifetime anyway. It's extremely frustrating that nothing it being done to try and control birth rates there when they are only going to cause issues. You don't need average fucking six kids. Seething about climate change means fuck all when you are doing nothing about the fact Europe is getting 500 million climate migrants

And this

>Europe is getting 500 million climate migrants
You don't have to accept them you know

nigga how can you look at all the crises we're facing as a species right now and deny that our idiotically high population numbers have nothing to do with it?

>greenhouse effect
>soil degradation
>biodiversity loss

the mechanism behind all of these are largely known and they all have to do with there being more people than earth can support. Just because in the past we could accomodate certain parts of the malthusian trap in the past, doesn't mean we will forever be able to delay the inevitable conclusion of infinite growth on a finite earth.

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But we will. It will be our duty. We can stop this but we won't.

The EU could warn these African countries that they won't he accepting any migrants after a certain year say 2035, but countries like Nigeria and Somalia don't care becasue they don't look after most of their population anyway and it's someone else's issue anyway (Europe's)

sorry for the retardation of my fellow American they are as smart as abbos

but yeah i cant wait for the world to end and just to watch everyone die this will be the next fall of rome

Defeatism. I often fall into it as well. You need to have hope.

Kys you ugly crater faced chud

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Chink freak

Abolish womens rights

Fine, take them.