Do crocs get ACKED in your cunt?

do crocs get ACKED in your cunt?
Yes we hunt crocs here

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she was a girl :'v

would you

That's a big croc

I heard that you can only eat his tail. Is that true?

For you

mmmmmmmmmmmmm crocodile pussy

wtf indonesians are white??????

yeah crocodile dundee was from jakarta

>hum imma eat that human ther-ACK

Love seeing crocs get BTFO
They’re one of the few species that view humans as active prey.
Sharks get a bad rap, but their attacks are avoidable if you just stay calm and push the top of the sharks head away from you.
There’s only 5 shark species that have actually killed humans : Great Whites, Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Ocean Whitetips, Short Fin Makos.
See the girl in the webm owning that massive Tiger Shark?
You could never do that with a croc.
A croc would rip you to shreds.

Attached: Tiger Shark.webm (720x1280, 2.73M)

what do you even do if you run into one of these massive niggers in the water?

Is this croc pussy?

Attached: 1662789806395321~2.jpg (1080x1322, 568.19K)

you die
they're also strangely smart and will remember and hunt you

Crocs don't have dicks or pussies, they have cloacas like many other reptiles.

Lmao roastie fucking bitch

you will never be a real alligator



Make peace with your death. Saltwater crocodiles here grow up to 6m+

Attached: beeg croc.png (780x520, 819.86K)


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You die

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Thats not a tiger shark and polar bears will fuck you up anyday, not a fan of big lizards myself just how it is
I love science.

Animal apologists of all kind should get a rope. If it has teeth or claws. It's a threat. Kill it if you can.

In India we Hindus we celebrate the life of our mugger (croc) bhai

>*Incredible India* Gangaram, a 130 year old crocodile passed away in Bawamohatra village in Bemetra district of Chhattisgarh. He never harmed anyone and even swam with all the kids. entire village shut down all their stoves & gave him a grand funeral. This is incredible India

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It's a tiger shark I fact checked myself. Everything's clear

Her whole account is swimming with Tiger Sharks.
From what I’ve seen Bull Sharks look more dangerous because of their erraticness/unpredictability.
Great Whites also dangerous because of sheer size
Neither of them tho come close to crocodiles. Crocs really are just living dinosaurs

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honestly terrified of these niggas. would love nothing more than to blast one with a shotgun from a completely safe vantage point.