Be a slave until you're 9

>be a slave until you're 9
>be separated from your mother and indoctrinated by emotionless, celibate monks
>Jedi treat you like shit because you're different (joined too late) and masters don't trust you (as seen in Episode 1 where they judge him like a piece of meat)
>be told to suppress all your emotions
>be groomed by the greatest manipulator in the galaxy, and he's your only non-Jedi friend and the only one that's not stupidly hard on you all the time for your humanly mistakes
>be given a god complex because you're told you're literally the chosen one and soon to be most powerful person of all time
>have nightmares about your mother suffering and dying, but be told by Jedi to ignore it
>finally get the chance to see your mom
>she was tortured and raped and dies in your arms
>have to fight on the front lines of a galactic war for 3 years
>have premonitions about your wife dying the same way the ones about your mom came true
>freak out
>Jedi still don't trust you, ask you to spy on your best non-Jedi friend
>put you on council but don't promote you to master, even though you're top 5 strongest Jedi in the galaxy, making you seem like a joke
>still turn in Sith Lord who promised to save your wife because of your loyalty to the Jedi
>Jedi don't trust you again and don't take you to arrest the most powerful villain in the galaxy
>go to help anyway and see Jedi, who was a dick to you your whole life, about to break his own rules and murder a prisoner, fucking hypocrites
>see last chance to save your beloved wife, freak out in a split second decision and cut douchebag Jedi's hand off
>now feel like you've fucked up so hard you have no choice but to join the Dark Side, hey at least you can save your wife

"aNaKiN's FaLl WaS tOo FaSt!!!!!!!!"
Imagine getting filtered by the prequels.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anakin did nothing wrong. Yes, even killing the younglings was justified. The Jedi were a fucked up cult which had done enough damage on the galaxy and needed to be terminated.

Space Jesus going to save his mother the Virgin Mary.


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I’ve always wondered what he would have done if he beat Obi Wan and never burned alive. How his path through life would have changed

Would've trained under Sidious and eventually usurped him to rule the galaxy.


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Sheev would have seen that coming a mile away.

daily reminder that no one shat on the prequels until plinkett


laying it all out like this really highlights just how stupid the prequels were.

Nah, people shit on them, Plinkett just put their "gripes" into words so they felt vindicated.
They got filtered plain and simple.

>The Prequel Redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a zoomer, contrarian, pseud, manchild, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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>Sith Lord whose life you saved cackles evilly in front of you
>Hey Anakin you have to go murder those children
>Ok sir I will go murder those children even though it has nothing to do with saving Padme
>Hey sorry Anakin, I don't actually know how to save Padme
>Ok I won't get angry and turn on you because of that even though I've been established to be impulsive and you obviously have revealed that you're a gigantic bullshitter... instead I'll be your nice little dog for some reason and keep believing you can save Padme
I mean I agree with you to some extent OP, but the problem is that RotS just makes Anakin seem stupid. But Vader never seems stupid. So how did this impulsive angry puppy dog turn into the sophisticated, dry-humored, quite literate-sounding Vader?

If the OT is so profound and culturally relevant then why there's no memes about it?

>I wrote this copypasta in 2016, and my Star Wars autist friend has sent me a screenshot of it on reddit with thousands of up boats
I’ve done my part defending George’s genius vision, what have you guys done? Short of murdering a sequel tranny, you’re sorely lacking

Star Wars was never profound you dumbfuck. It was always a good movie for children nothing more. I get that your a redditor but having lots of memes doesn’t make a movie good. The Odyssey is profound yet you don’t see any memes of it.

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>but the problem is that RotS just makes Anakin seem stupid. But Vader never seems stupid. So how did this impulsive angry puppy dog turn into the sophisticated, dry-humored, quite literate-sounding Vader?
There are decades between the trilogies and Palpatine doesn't say he didn't know how to save Padme, only that Vader killed her.

>gay old bitter man makes kid cry
goddamn the OT was SOULLESS

There's nothing cringier than a grown man talking about star wars "lore," a movie for babies

>actor doesn't appreciate the art he helped create
many such cases

Doesn't Palpatine say something like "the power to defeat death has been revealed to only one so far", meaning basically sorry Anakin, I don't know how to do it?
As for the decades between the trilogies sure, but Lucas didn't do a good job of putting hints of what Vader would be like into Anakin. Hayden Christensen did a decent job of being creepy and having the right sort of walk and vocal tone but he still seems a completely different person from Vader. It'd be one thing if he was different but had some foreshadowing of Vader's personality, but he is too different for that. Anakin is impulsive, Vader is calculated. Anakin seems like he's never read a book in his life, Vader seems sophisticated and literate. Anakin has almost no sense of humor, Vader obviously enjoys sarcasm. Etc. I mean, I get that people change over decades and I have myself, but it still feels like a real stretch to me.

what are we allowed to talk about retard?

Mowing lawns and 401ks? Go fuck yourself.

They were once men.

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>Star Wars

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I've converted Nu Wars fans to turn away from their shit taste and contributed in the shifting of the collective opinion towards Filoni to that of a negative one.

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How about watching a movie for adults you manchild.

Actors are paintbrushes, nothing more.
The bad ones use this as an excuse.
The good ones fight against it when they disagree with the vision.
The great ones accept it and only work with directors they're willing to trust completely.

I liked your OP, user. Prequels are the finest three films in existence. Unironically.

A bunch of old men sat in a room and wrote a script to sell toys to babies, and you, a grown ass man, write paragraphs upon paragraphs on the internet trying to find some deeper meaning in the lasers and explosions. LMAO

Yes. Star Wars (1977) is art.


With the hindsight of Rise of Skywalker, we know no one's ever really gone.

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I've already seen Lawrence of Arabia, The Great Escape, The Godfather 2, and Duck, You Sucker, among many others. Star Wars offers a story about good and evil that satisfies the most essential aspects of the human spirit.

Your lack of a soul and desire to impress the imaginary daddy in your head with a contrived performance won't make you any more mature. Maybe when you're actually grown up you can understand.

You do not actually mean that.

>find mother tied to 2 posts baking in the hot sun between gang rapes
I genuinely don’t know how they could’ve made the scene more extreme for him. I would’ve butchered everyone there.

Guiness has said he enjoyed being part of it, but that's not the same as enjoying what it turns people into.

I literally do mean everything I typed in that post. Unironically.

No way!