What other ethnicity is most similar to Chinese people?

Both in general culture, attitude, mentality, history, etc.

As a Chinese person, I am trying to look for kindred spirits as friends on this Any Forumsernational forum.

Attached: chinese woman 2.jpg (1000x667, 101.17K)

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wing wong wang shi shu ming mong wee

Malay and Indian


"wing" "wong" "mong" and "wee" are syllables that do not exist in mandarin chinese. sorry try again.




Those are Fujianese/Taiwanese


My gf is Korean and says all Chinese people are stupid lying cheating snakes and has even worse things to say about the Japanese

>as a Chinese
I have seen many Chinese people with foreign flags in int said like that.
Do Chinese people have their homeland identity even though they emigrate other countries?
What advantages is coming from this?

They're still Chinese you retard

Korean and Japanese. You all hate each other for geopolitical reasons but you're basically the same.

If Chinese are stupid, how did China get a higher PISA score than Korea?


How come China and even a tinier country like Taiwan has more Nobel prize winners than South Korea or North Korea?

>Do Chinese people have their homeland identity even though they emigrate other countries?
Diaspora. Their parents who actually were the ones who left China understood why they got the fuck out, the kids who grew up abroad romanticize the homeland even though mainlanders will often hate them for not being Chinese enough.

Oh, right. I see, I get it. You were lampooning me. It was a simple lampoon.

>Do Chinese people have their homeland identity even though they emigrate other countries?

why not? you still can have loyalty to your destination country, while holding an ethnic identity
plenty of koreans in american are "korean-americans"

Nobelchuds seethe over Juche

Korean diaspora is the same. Do Korean diaspora in Russia, America, Japan, etc. stop identifying themselves as being not Korean?

Sure that's understandable. I think he means the fact that the children of chinese diaspora tend to hold a higher allegiance to china than the nation they grew up in.

Reminder that a single Chinese female physicist discovered the violation of the conservation of parity in physics, and also contributed to the development of the atomic bomb and nuclear energy during the Manhattan Project - forever altering world history.

In contrast, a Korean woman did....


Attached: Chien-shiung_Wu_(1912-1997)_C.jpg (330x421, 42.59K)

maybe those three races could even make a city state together

diaspora hold a higher allegiance to where they are accepted as a person by society.
chinese diaspora are hated everywhere they go, of course they would hold some level of allegiance to china. When SHTF, that is the only place they can go to without being fearful for their lives.

if you are white and immigrated to iran, would you stake your life for them? I think not
if you are white and immigrated to france, would you stake your life for them? I think there is a higher chance there

stop looking at it as a race thing and you will understand the human psych better

all sorts of bugs probably

maybe start with centipedes?

Why do chuds in America seethe over diasporas like Chinese-Americans? If you are not accepted by a racist society, of course, people who live in it will in turn reject that society.

I mean if I grew up in Iran because my parents moved there before I was born, sure I'd defend it because it's the only society I've ever known