Ayo lets go reconquer Egypt from muslims!

>ayo lets go reconquer Egypt from muslims!
>completely destroys the Byzantine Empire instead and paves the way for the turks and nafris to terrorize the mediterranian and conquer nearly all of eastern europe

The fr*nch and the shitalians, everyone

Attached: csm_ConquestOfConstantinopleByTheCrusadersIn1204_c4684d266f.jpg (630x372, 124.91K)

That's what you get for trusting second sons hungry for land.

if a few thousand of lightly armed men destroyed the byzantine "empire" then it probably wasn't a strong and stable country by that time anyway

They already knew they couldn't conquer Jerusalem by the 1170s after a joint campaign with the Byzies failed. But they knew the Byzies never actually fought anyone by that point but just bribed all their enemies into surrendering or attacking one another, so it was pretty much inevitable.

why do you even care, you hunnic nigger

Brah, your Caliph spent like 200 years as a hostage to heretical Persians and Turkish nomads, you're not one to talk. Also, a Turkish warlord actually conquered Mecca as early as the 1070s.

>completely destroys the Byzantine Empire instead and paves the way for the turks and nafris to terrorize the mediterranian and conquer nearly all of eastern europe
The arabs got conquered and enslaved as well, just a bit later after byzies. The arabs weren't equal under the Ottomans, they were just as enslaved as the Europeans if not even more.

If it folded under some french retard zelots I don't think it would have held under some smelly turk zealots

The arabs were way worse, the Balkaners had influence in the Ottomans, such as Grand viziers appointed. The arabs had nothing, there wasn't a single arab grand vizier.


There were Germans too, in the rear-guard
>153. The seventh battalion was led by marquise Boniface of Monferrat, and it was very great (in numbers). There stood the Lombards, the Tuscans, the Germans, and all those who were from (the area stretching from) the Moncenis Mount to Lyon.
Of course the other six battalions were French but it doesn't absolve you from the blame.

Attached: Screenshot_2022-09-08-07-22-10-190_com.adobe.reader.jpg (1080x2400, 501.34K)

They were all dead in the long term and they never reaped what they sow.

That's just cause courtly education in Istanbul was restricted to Christian abductees and the Arabs were already Muslim.

>Alexius redirects the crusaders towards Constantinople by promising them the empire will fully support the Kingdom of Jerusalem if they retake the city for him
>Crusaders take the city, but then his father Isaac, who owes his throne to the French and Venetians, tries to renege on the agreement
>get btfo
Completely deserved and it was all caused by a retarded internal dispute in typical ERE fashion. That's also how they handed Asia Minor to the Turks on a silver platter in the 11th century before the crusaders nicely restored it to them, and they still had the gall to complain about Bohemond taking Antioch for himself.
Byzantines have always been drama queens who looked down on Westerners, just one year before the sack they had massacred every Western merchant in the city. They had it coming and I wish we'd do it again.

The sack didn’t change history. 1071 Manzikert and Sultanate of Rum forming is what sealed the Byzantines fate, as the anatolians started to become more loyal to the Turks who also started larping as romans.

There was nothing anyone in Constantinople could've done after Manzikert. There was no standing army at all, Romanos IV took with him a huge, cavalry-centered goonsquad of Western knights and pagan Turks, which was the Empire's only strategy after Constantine IX disbanded the army. There was no plan B.

Didn't German crusaders partake in all that too?

They had more rights and were part of the power-play of the Empire itself. The arabs were virtually non-existant in Ottoman state rule or politics.

By losing Anatolia and not reconquering it fast they sealed their own fate. The Byzantines recovered multiple times from multiple fuck-ups such as losing Greece for centuries to slavs. However, losing your core territory which is anatolia they were left powerless.

Could this explain the underdevelopment of most Arab countries to this day?

Dey dindu nuffin