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>turning down free food because you think it's bland
These guys are refugees fleeing unimaginable torment and suffering, btw

Filipinos make the best Italian food

I would personally sink every fucking boat until they stop coming

>then they went berserk

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How dare Italy make actual food and not bush meat fried in electrical transmitter oil???!!! Outrageous. Italy needs to do better.

Kek, not only that, we (and by "we" I mean NGOs) literally go pick them up off the coasts of Africa

Look at where the migrants came from.

But instead they're sinking their own boats to be picked up by the Norwegians and Italians and brought ashore in Europe.

I kinda agree. It's delicious but kind of repetitive. But if they didn't want it they shouldn't have come at all, go back home and eat your mudcakes.

>[country] food
vague, stupid, meaningless term

>6 june 2016
Also when aren't anglos satirical
Also when aren't these types of threads just bland wypipo food bait threads

Yall white demons don't season yo food wtfff

Nobody but leftist retards still believe this. The syrian """refugees""" that came back in 2015 complained about the food here as well and stupid shit like there being ice and snow on the ground. These people are just used by the elite to destroy european countries.

Well to be fair, Italian food has a lot of cheese and these Africans are lactose intolerant to the extreme. That's why it's "indigestible"

When the poor mistreated refugees crossed our borders, there were gangs of roundheaded slavs waiting for them to show up so they can beat them up and rob them of their bribe money and newest phone models.

ITT chuds chimping out over a headline because some people were upset at being served buttered penne for three meals a day

Also doesn't that make Italians based anyway? Why would you serve anything but worse-than-prisoner-food to some undeserving reffos who are going to fuck shit up in your country?

1. many Sub-Saharan Africans, especially in West Africa, are in fact lactose tolerant
2. just about every dairy product contains significantly less lactose than milk, and hard cheeses contain the least. cheese is popular the world over, in China, in Latin America, in India and in africa. lactose intolerance is simply not a barrier to enjoying most cheeses
3. the majority of italians are also lactose-intolerant

Italians aren't white

hatians did the same in mexico IIRC

>gets free food and housing
go back

the spectator is a biased conservative anti migration source, they make shit up all the time

Pick ME up.

if you google the headline or any news on it, the only source on it is the spectator and no major news or agency reports on it
quit falling for dumbshit news articles

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