Why should Norway (not a member of the EU) give free gas to the EU?

Why should Norway (not a member of the EU) give free gas to the EU?
It was the EU who wanted a free market for gas despite our protest, and now they whine and call us war profiteers when they have to pay a fair market price for our resources.
It was not our choice for Brussels to get addicted to cheap Russian gas, in fact we warned them not to do it. Why should we bail them out now? What would we gain? We are not a charity after all, we are a sovereign country.
What are your thoughts?

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>and call us war profiteers
Well, if the shoe fits.

EU are the new soviet union. Just say FUCK YOU to communism

How are we profiteers? Your scarcity is self-inflicted from decades of mismanagement. We are among the highest contributors per GDP to Ukraine and are supplying them with military aid.
I will ask you again: Why should Norway give you anything for free when YOU are not at war? Are we your babysitters, or perhaps your parents? You are not even citizens of Norway, why is it suddenly our responsibility to maintain and safeguard your economy?

I don't think you should be forced to provide europe with gas, but I also think it might be a nice gesture of goodwill and that europe will remember it if you guys ever need help from the EU

Poland had this idea not so long ago that Norway should give all the money to east europe.

You shouldnt, you are absolutely correct, the EU made their bed and now that they have to lie in it, it wasnt such a smart desicion after all. Anyone calling you all war profiteers are just seething over the fact that as you said, they now have to pay fair market prices

Doesn't matter what you want chud, the EU is going to put a cap on the amount that members can pay for gas and then you'll be forced to lower your prices.

I just find it funny.
When the wind blows their way, the EU are free market capitalists, but as soon as it changes direction they are suddenly demanding handouts and "solidarity" from even their trading partners.
It's quite shameful, really.

They are retarded. They didn't want to buy from us because we are le bad but now it's all right if gas is cheaper. We don't want to sell it to them but it's our fault even though it's russia who sells it.

Sounds like socialist communism m8

It's never going to happen and there's only a small minority of leaders within EU who holds this opinion, none of importance

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You have two choices, we have our gas or you have to peel the bananas yourselves

I think the best help we can ever get from the EU is for them to honor their own trade deals and be a good trading partner. They need to decide once and for all if they want to make long term deals on gas and electricity or not. They can't keep trying to game the free market and then flip the table every time they lose money, that makes their goodwill seem flaky at best.

>Occupied - a made up tv series from 2015 about a EU army that attacks Norway


Attached: Okkupert_(Occupied)_2015.png (247x403, 203.07K)


>Norwegian realizing their are just a client state of the European Union which in turn is a vassal of the American empire.

Congrats, you should have voted Rødt

Hitler was like
>if you repeat a lie over and over again it will become the truth

Don't make the same mistakes Fritz. Just pay up

That was actually Goebbels but you are now finding out that the only reason your country is allowed to have a somewhat functioning social democracy that reaps the profits of its natural resources directly is because you are a client state of the imperialist super power. If by chance you were born on any other continent the West would have already either coup'd your government like in Chile and privatized all resources or straight up destroyed your country like in Libya (ironically a military strike in which your military and government were complicit in with their airforce). So your social democracy is being maintained by being a henchman of imperialism.

then don't cunt. wtf

rip every deal you made with the EU so you can be "sovereign" like the UK. you'll be screeching for butter again sooner or later, but at least you'll be free.

no point arguing with norwegians about geopolitics
they're all hicks

We don't need you eu fags but you need us.