Dad showed me this movie as a kid

>dad showed me this movie as a kid
>said it was important people knew what "happened" back then so it doesn't happen again (in particular, to Muslims due to the post 9/11 "Muslim hatred)
Jokes on him I still don't think it happened but wish it would

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It's unironically a great tale of survival.

Did your dad tell you that the film was made by a convicted child rapist?

Your dad is a bigoted transphobe

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I mean that was a long time ago. At this point he's borderline antisemitic.

Oh so he hates trannys too? (((They))) brainwash many gentiles into following their bigoted transphobic ways

Based trans positive dad

HH sister

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>trans positive dad
Unfortunately yeah still.

what the fuck are you talking about

I saw this as a kid and there is a character that gathers a bunch of jew workers around and tells them they will start giving them more bread and potatoes. At the time I thought the German guy was being genuinely nice kek.

Amerimutts are so a blight on this world.

Your father sounds like a good man. A good man who failed at raising a son.

Also he drugged her
He's still a fugitive from the US and has been since the 70s, but Euro lets him in because Jew

Hold the fort,
I just now saw that that guy is wearing an Ayrayn brotherhood Armband

>drugged her
wheres the proof lol also
>still wins awards in the US

Did he drug her though or was it her Mom?
I know her Mom brought her to Hollywood parties with the express intention of pimping her out

Guess how I know you fuck children

you dont belong here "moral"fag.

Reddit might be more your speed, what with the child fucking subs.

LOL reddit seems based now wtf? Also
>he knows about whats popular on reddit
maybe you need to go back, "moral"fag.

>reddit seems based now

>so it doesn't happen again (in particular, to Muslims due to the post 9/11 "Muslim hatred)
Muslims and Blacks are the only groups a genocide should objectively happen too. Jews can be beaten into submission, and they do occasionally produce a genius, so they should be kept around like the cattle they think goys are.

>making normalfags like you seethe

They put this on for the entire grade in an auditorium back in high school for some reason. I will never forget the scene when he dropped the can of fruit, spilling the juice over the floor before he meets that officer. Some kid near the back of the room laughed, and called him a stupid Jew. Like, "Ha! Stupid Jew!"

Lots of people laughed and some fat old teacher had to climb up the stairs to look at him in a disapproving manner.

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yeah having a boomer dad sucks

>smart Jews are a good thing and not a tool Jews use to dominate
Jesus Christ you need to face the wall.

Had a similar experience when they showed us Schindler's List in class, one dude just started laughing during the scene where they think they were going to get gassed but it was actually water and others suddenly started laughing too
Kids and teenagers are kinda psychotic t b h

>it's now psychotic to laugh at the villains

are you part of the lgbtq+ community?

Obviously is, he gives monkeypox to little boys.