Turn on documentary

>turn on documentary
>turn that shit off

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this negro just copied carl sagan


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>evolutionary scientists theorize that…

Turn off immediately

For me? It's all about intelligent design. Like only using 20% of the water I ingest and pissing the rest

I've never understood why people think evolution and creationism are incongruous

If we came from monkeys how come they still exist?

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Because they just exists ok?

>keep watching the documentary
>"actually its entirely possible that our reality is just a computer program or that the universe was created by ancient aliens

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they didn't want to evolve and we wanted to

Being a moron, like you, must suck ass.

And? Carl sagan was arguably even a bigger midwit. He invented the concept of the r-ddit science man.

>ancient astronaut theorists believe that…

turn that shit up

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>if diamonds come from earth how come earth still exists

It's a pretty epic self-report about your moral compass if the only way you can and would treat human beings with dignity is if you believe your own diety created them. Whereas I treat people with respect because they are sentient beings capable of suffering.

which face should I soi you with

We didn't come from modern day monkeys. Monkey ancestors branched off into modern monkeys and humans. It's really not that difficult

Then how come modern monkeys are just as dumb as ancestor monkeys? It doesn't add up.

>18 seasons
>210 episodes
>still no aliens

Environmental conditions didn't necessarily deem it necessary for them to become "intelligent" in our sense of the word. Give any other animal the same amount of time to evolve and they won't necessarily become more human-like

Why is suffering morally wrong? inb4 "it just is ok"

Suffering in itself isn't morally wrong, it's a part of life. Unnecessary suffering caused with intent is what you with your terminology would call morally wrong because it isn't beneficial to the survival of the species. It all comes back to reproduction

but it deemed it necessary for one single species of humans on the whole planet. how convenient.

Do you have enough data to prove this?

>If I’m retarded, how can smarter people exist?
Fucking hell user, go be retarded somewhere else.

What? Yeah, it had to happen to one offshoot, and given different conditions it wouldn't be humans, it'd be something else. I really don't know what's hard to understand about this

why do jannies never delete /x/ schizo threads? fucking retards

wasn't this the same dumbass channel that made decades documentaries that wanked off the 90s as sunshine and rainbows and then made the 00s pain and misery as if no fun existed, then made a tweet in 2019 acting like the 10s were so much better when it fact it and current times are easily the worst decades ever?

Unnecessary as in anything that isn't a natural biological process. We're getting into semantics here and I'm happy to refine my definition but that's what I go off of and it's served me well as far as consistency goes thus far

>had to
not really. there's no reason the universe should be here either, yet it is.

i liked it
it was fun

That has nothing to do with evolution