As a Chinese person, I like the story of Mulan

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Cool, it's a nice movie. I wish Disney would go back to making 2D animation.

I think 1998 was a good year for American 2d animated musicals.

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I watched the road to eldorado a few days ago, I feel bad that I overlooked it for so many years.

I wish dreamworks did more biblical stories, that movie is a 10/10

Also 1998 was the best year in video games ever. Great time to be a kid/teen

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Dreamworks did their own version of Mulan 10 years later.

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she's the best disney protagonist


I wasn’t even born in 1998

me too. it inaccurate as fuck but make china look based

when i watched the live action mulan i assumed chinamen would like it
turns out they hate it too
cartoons win again

They took out Mushu and all of the Disney songs from the original. Of course, us chinese hated it,

Same, supposedly they're not even teaching hand drawn animation techniques anymore so its becoming a lost art

they also turned Mulan into some superhuman prodigy instead of someone that struggles to hold up with the men

Mulan musical no good not same Mulan.

Making Mulan super competent defeats the entire point of the original story.

Lov muh Marvel x Capcom
Lov muh Baldur's Gate.
Lov muh Pokemon Red.
Lov muh Ocarina of Time.
Lov muh Resident Evil.
Simple as.

i like the live action movie because it destroys everything the old movie stood for

Imo BG I and II were the best RPGs ever conceived. While TES:Oblivion was fun and memeable, it wasn't as good as the aforementioned.

For me it's Tekken 3, Crash 3, Spyro, and Sonic Adventure
Currently playing Ocarina of Time for the first time!

Mulan was Disney’s first tranny propaganda

Have fun, buddy!

For me it was OoT, Banjo, MGS, Turok, GT and RE2. Didn't own Saturn or Dreamcast. Only got my first PC in the early 2000s, so I only played Half Life four years late.

Both on my bucketlist. I am starting to go back and play the games I wasn't old enough to be interested in back then