The theatrical cut is objectively the best

the theatrical cut is objectively the best

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Thanks for letting me know I can ignore you.

haha nope
ooh you sure showed them

I dont mind the detective narration. Ridley hated it. The movie is obscure and weird kinda helps us smoothbrains out yknow.

Harrison hated it too, maybe that's why he did such a shitty job

He was probably hungover and resented doing extra work.

How do people like this movie?

they basically forced him to do it because amerifat audiences are dumb and need everything explained for them

>He was probably hungover and resented doing work.
Every Harrison ford movie ever.

Because it's great.

I like it by watching it. Not sure if there is another why to like it

I reckon in ROTJ he got extra wrecked the night before the "I feel terrible" section.

Narration ruins some great scenes.

If I were having somebody watch Blade Runner for the first time I would unironically show them the workprint version. That's the purest version of what it was supposed to be and everything else is compromised in one way or another.

it's about rising higher and higher, ie hybris, ie the engine of civilization
it's a White thing: you wouldn't understand

>I don't know why he saved my life! Maybe in those last moments, he loved life more than he ever had before! Not just his life! Anybody's life! My life! All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want! Where do I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die!

The theatrical cut is great, except for a few plainly unfinished moments, and the drawn-out ending. The problem is, it gets reworked so much later that it's not just evened out. Its own style and influence is fed back into it in an exaggerated manner, like a fan project that "fixes" something to how Blade Runner should look.

Attached: blade runner.jpg (1266x1052, 230.97K)

actors are retards, anyway, so that's not very relevant (eg, that jew ford hated Roy's monologue)
but the final cut is vastly superior, yes

This movie isn't about anything. Its empty of themes and emotion. Most meaningless film I've ever seen.
>hated Roy's monologue
He's right about that. Its shit and ruins a major part of why androids are worthy of disdain. They're psychopaths with no regard for life even their own.

That was Empire

low effort troll

>filtered by Blade Runner
That's just sad.

OK, schlomo