Why cant i be born in a actual nice country like japan or italuy

why cant i be born in a actual nice country like japan or italuy

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user, I don't believe you live in the locale where that photo was taken

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i live in jax

my condolences

Mi dispiace

>Googled pic.

You don't suffer. Atleast you aren't a northeast rustbelter. That is truly sad.

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Move to Portsmouth NH, problem solved

you are fucking stupid south is just as bad as the rust belt

Jacksonville is the muttistan meme incarnate

I wish I lived in japan every day
they don't realize how good they have it

wow a bridge USA is truly #1

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i want to leave this shithole man i suffer and this place made me lose hope in the nation


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It was funny to see all these black men uder the pier

yeah i would love to live in poland if it meant seeing freaks and being with these fuckers


i am white and of irish and german background

I wish continents were closer, my brother have to go to Ohio again for just two days. Not me this time fortunately, jet lag is a killer

y u show detroit when youre not from there? it’s a nice city now. outside of all the rotting and burned down houses

why visit america this place sucks and the food is toxic by europeans standards

Poland sucks since we have no Manhattan, no Maine ocean shore and no Rolling Rolling rock beer which is really good, not to mention Moxie drink and your not-give-a-fuck girls with no make up in hoodies


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