What's Any Forums's opinion on "Fringe"? It's one of those shows that I ended up never finishing...

What's Any Forums's opinion on "Fringe"? It's one of those shows that I ended up never finishing, kinda like "Sons of Anarchy".

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Good for what it was. Most surprising thing was it didn't get canceled by Fox like all their other good sci-fi shows.

At the time, Murdoch's daughter in law was the star.

I really love then ending actually

i dunno, i committed to watching the first season at least fully. and it was ok, but i had no trouble dropping it without a second thought
i have unpopular opinions though even by Any Forums standards... couldn't get into house either
person of interest has been holding my interest though
anyway bye

A very rough diamond

Great show with good characters

I think it was weak, making observers villains is also kind of bs

Watched it when it was on air. Didn't have the patience to continue watching past season 2. Has an X Files kind of vibe but with significantly less charm and more convolution.

It was great. Despite some weak episodes/plotlines, I remember enjoying it a tonne. Walter was a great character despite how much they overplayed his quirky science guy shtick. I also don't like how they just entirely dropped Olivia's "woman in a boy's club" thing. Yeah, introducing it in the first place was probably a mistake, but they just decide to pretend it never happened. It's good that they everyone stopped calling her "honey" but it should've been done better.

Wish there were more shows like it. Sci-fi + monster of the week theme is kino

More like Cringe

Quite fond of the whole thing start to finish. I think it wrapped up nicely.

Enjoyed it most on the early seasons where 9/10 episodes were story of the week with maybe 1 scene to move the overarching plot forward and fill in prior history. With 1/10 episodes being dedicated to the overarching plot

Remember when Jared Harris was the villain and was basically rotting as a side effect of teleporting out of prison?

Top episode for me is white tulip

I watched it to the end but when the show became about the main plot every episode it wasn’t as good IMO

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Yeah, and everyone was bitching she wasn't a real actor but she was still better than Joshua Jackson

She did a good job playing Fauxlivia pretending to be Olivia and somehow it was easy to see it wasn’t the real olivia from speech and mannerisms alone

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That's interesting. I thought she was pretty good. She didn't stand out as being amazing but she didn't stand out as being bad either.

MRW I tried rewatching it and the stories kept focusing on Peter.

last season sucked, 4th season was kind of weird too, season 2 was the peak

She hadn't been in much else before. I thought she did good, especially as Fauxlivia, like someone said above.

Meghan Markle sucked in this show

Interesting story destroyed by the ungodly amount of filler episodes.
Also season 3 felt like a 24 episodes waste of time since the whole parallel universe plot line did not matter the slightest at the end.