This was considered an incel in the 90s

>this was considered an incel in the 90s

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Apologise now
For Auschwitz Birkenau
Apologise Apologise

...six million.

>Gets a new girlfriend he has sex with on a weekly basis.

>this was considered an incel in the 90s

He was just a goofy guy, not an incel. Stop using words you don't understand, twitter immigrant.

But there were real incels on the show like Crazy Joe Davola. I'm sure Bania didn't have much success with the ladies either.

>Correctly assesses social situations better than anyone else
>Has the potential to become a genius if he foregoes sex
>Actually succeeds when he puts his mind to it
Why was George so lazy?

>90s "loser" character gets at least a dozen girlfriends and even a wife over the course of the show, despite being jobless, small, fat and balding

>even 8/10 semi-chads in current day can't get a single girlfriend, even with a job and degree and good hair

It's truly over, isn't it?

Too busy thinking about boobies

George had a good job with the Yankees for a while that raised his status.

As with all the great historical tragic figures, pussy ruined everything.

>even 8/10 semi-chads in current day can't get a single girlfriend, even with a job and degree and good hair
except they do, even average men have girlfriends. Stop thinking everyone is a loser like yourself

He wasn’t an incel, but he was still a loser. He was petty bitter asshole who ruined all his relationships

>even average men have girlfriends
"Average men" being gigachads?

Seinfeld and Peep Show have the same archetypes for their characters.
Kramer is Super Hans.
George is Jez.
Jerry is Mark.

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>this was horrifically ugly in the 90s

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>He was petty bitter asshole who ruined all his relationships
That applies to literally all of the main characters.

I wish i was George, i'd give anything for his life

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George was always getting pussy. He was even going to get married.

he's literally me

That would make Elaine Sophie, which doesn't work.

I wish I had a rat gf

I am the master of my domain.

Elaine is more like Nancy but without the hippy persona