Tens of thousands of Turks enjoying perfect 30 degree weather all day with not a cloud in the sky...

>tens of thousands of Turks enjoying perfect 30 degree weather all day with not a cloud in the sky, a beautiful crystal blue sea with warm 27 degree water, delicious food, beautiful mountains, cheap cost of living, strong families and immeasurable SOVL
>Not to mention beautiful brown girls
Turks can't suffer
Probably nobody in the Mediterranean can suffer.

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my only complaint is Turks bought too many LED strips for their country

just go to Antalya it's all Turks and super nice people just live in their cars here

>tens of thousands of Turks
too many


But that is a russian enclave
He will hear even more foreign mudspeak

Already going to Karlsruhe with my ABİTUR diplom
I will study
I will pursue higher education
I will leave this shithole
I will be happy

It's turkey it should have turks
why are you Krauts so racist thought we programmed this out of you?

>S*d Deutschland
oof brudi..

Only seen like 5 Russians
Way more Pakistanis and some Arabs
The women go swimming in their ninja outfits lol
Some have crazy nice bodies

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Karlsruhe ist aba giger basiert
wenigstens gibt es (hoffentlich) nicht so viele Kanakz da


you do know that you can return, right?

No worries lad we'll send you our Turks, we have a few spares


For me, it's provoking the Türkler into threatening to kill me so I can live in Germoney

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Why do people assume Turkey is a tropical country?

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they assume turkey is a desert

they assume it's dry

no they assume its a desert with camels and shit


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