Worst Seinfeld episode?

Worst Seinfeld episode?

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Puerto Rican day parade
Griffin show
The finale
All s1 episodes

the arc where kramer moves to california and goes on murphy brown

I don't know the name of it but the episode about Jerry not returning some library book was painfully unfunny. It had a subplot about George being bullied by his high school gym teacher too but it was fucking atrocious. No other episode of Seinfeld has ever failed to make me laugh at least once. That one did

Filtered, Kramer going to LA led to one of the best moments in the series(the serial killer interrogation)


George and his wife

The one about Contanza figurine that ends up being broken again because Kramer.

but that is a great episode

but the library investigator's name is Bookman, user.
if you didn't laugh you have a brain tumor

millenials really found this shit hilarious

>Puerto Rican day parade
That was hilarious fuck you.

I don't think you get Seinfeld humour.

S11E02 "We Have The Meats" with Seth Rogen
Car: 1976 Dodge Royal Monaco Sedan

Yeah that was one of the episodes where it was obvious how much they jumped the shark. Pretty sad.

The circumcision episode is shit

All of them. Every single episode.

this one

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the one where jerry looks at the camera and says
"this show was written and produced by jews, and all of us actors are jews. everyone important that worked on this show is jewish and all the profits from it will end up going to israel eventually. Your TV is not made for you, it is made to make you want to be us"

a bit of a downer episode, but you have to admire the honesty

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That’s like an ice cream man named CONE!