How is she not considered one of the worst rulers of all time?

How is she not considered one of the worst rulers of all time?

The UK lost like 99% of its territory under her rule. If that happened to any other monarch in history everyone would be calling him an idiot who ruined everything. Doesn't make any sense

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shut up fat

kys mcdonalds

this, unironically. Imagine fighting hitler when he didn't want to touch the british empire, then after victory tyou proceed to dismantle it

There's just more of me to love


she saved millions of brown people

she has very little real political power, she was just a figurehead and a cultural icon

I am pretty sad now

So she's so incompetent that she didn't even have the power to attempt to stop her empire from completely collapsing? That's even worse.

Simple, she wasn't a ruler.

It's over

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holy shit how can you be so low IQ

Empires are overrated

>India & Ireland are already gone by the time she's in office
>South Africa is halfway out the door
>Americans and Soviets are constantly screaming Empire Bad (while setting up their own puppet regimes all over the place)
>Britain extricates itself from empire without the carnage that accompanies the collapse of the Spanish, French, Dutch or Portuguese Empires
>to this day Britain has positive to lukewarm relations with almost all it's former colonies
>this is a bad thing. the UK should have somehow held on to it's empire in the face of restless natives, hostile superpowers and a changing global economy that allowed you to bankrupt thirdworld countries without actually ruling them
OP is stupid and burger.

>tfw too intelligent to not lose my entire empire and become a puppet of the US

The death of the Queen .... heralds not just the end of the British monarchy, but also the end of any hope of the recovery post-Brexit Global Britain . Canada and Australia will now drift further into the US/Chinese orbit. The UK will slip further into Paki domination and irrelevancy. Scotland will secede. Poles and refugees will be unleashed on the Britroaches by the vengeful EU. Hundreds of Reynhard Sinagas will roam the countryside assaulting every man and boy they catch

I was unaware that she was queen during WWII.

Probably because she isn't a ruler, for one.

I mean she came into office when Britain was already cucked to death and the rest was just a formality. Britain's fate was decided at Yalta years earlier. Not much she could do about it. Blame her father or whoever was in charge before for making shit decisions.

Yeah? And by the time Justinian ruled the Byzantines they had lost most of their empire and Rome. He's remembered as being great because he got a lot of that shit back. Not because he sat down and let it all go and collapse even more just to be nice

but the brown people said she killed millions of them.
who am i supposed to believe eh?!

it's almost like you don't understand the concept of parliament

She ruled over one of the most horrifically incompetent eras of any nation ever, oversaw the royal family becoming a reality TV show, and had her daughter in law assassinated. She only gets a pass for being female during the era of pussy worship.


Americans never do. In order to justify murdering their countrymen over gerrymandering they're taught as children that they rebelled against "the King of England" (a title that hadn't existed for over a century at that point), who was an absolute monarch. Parliament barely gets a mention.

It's because winners write the history books. Not that you would understand


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Oh look at you. Bringing logic and reason to a shit flinging fight

>and Rome
That's the main difference. Justinian is remembered as great because he reconquered the most integral part of the empire, something the Brits never had to do.