Now it's our chance to take the islands back

Now it's our chance to take the islands back

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VGH, Las Islas Basadas

Their main carrier is also dead, it's now or never broski

so last time you failed trying to take it under Thatcher and your second move is to try it under a Thatcher cosplayer?
Well good luck

we would literally fucking nuke you

Just slowly immigrate and infiltrate the islands until you’re the majority instead of anglos, then vote to be part of Argentina. I call it “the KaleArgie plan”

no you wouldn't

Liz Truss is literally thatcher 2.0

She just told UK people to 'suck it' after complaining about energy bills

at a time like this? don't try it

>Now it's our chance to take the islands back

Attached: falklands-argentina-4208261.png (531x353, 397.04K)

I want to hatefuck her

you wont sleep today, dont you? haha

I got back to Any Forums just to see if argiebros were awake...



No she got the state to pay for everyone's bills. Don't get your news from Any Forums

Thatcher almost did the first time. We almost definitely would if they tried it again. We have nukes. They exist to use against invaders.

Based, nuke the argies please

>oh please please
HAHA, havent you realize they were copium all day with us?

you have our full support


what does that look like? free bananas?

Aren't you in economic crisis number 500?

Britain has owned the Falklands for longer than your country has existed and before your country existed

Attached: Falklands.permanence.png (800x146, 2.08K)

What's the Argentinian navy and airforce like these days anyways?
3 guys in a rowboat, one of which holding a kite?

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