Vid related is the average 13 year old in my village

Vid related is the average 13 year old in my village

First part is filmed inside the walls of our village middle school, the same one i graduated years ago

There is no hope left


Attached: Screenshot_3.png (1876x969, 483.69K)

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I would click it but i'm too affraid it's CP

European jewish governments have been trying to normalize & legalize pedophilia ever since 1945, are you suprised?

Not watching

I would snap my dick off in her asshole

I want to put my seed in her womb and see it grows

Ummm sweetie pedophile is an offensive term. Please refer to them as minor attracted people

No. I reject the talmud. Seethe.

Before 1945 it was 100% legal lol
wtf are you smoking?

Erm… you know that’s antisemitic, right? We’re in 2022, chud.

Maybe in your thirdie shithole lmao
Dont reply to me you irrelevant brown animal

Yeah...I'm going jack off to this. Cheers bro.


What the fuck is the vid in the first place

brainlet faggot

Attached: 1662524716826.png (1635x157, 32.25K)

I would berry my dick so far inside her ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>y-you cant get off to hot girls! y-you JUST can't!

>no jailbait ass, pussy, tits or even feet shown
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

You're proving me right, this was after 1945
Retarded Seething kike pedo
>Noooooo you must let me rape your 5yo daughter or u r islamophobic!!!1!
Why are #pakistaniperverts like this, turkbros?

Come back so we can put you in jail where you will be murdered, pussy

Getting Zoolander vibes at some moments.
She blue steels randomly.

θα της έριχνα έναν είτε το θέλει είτε όχι

Not even remotely similar. You sound like a roastie.

Why are they allowed to be so sexy?