Why do most people put their TVs so high?

Why do most people put their TVs so high?
Wtf is wrong with you?

Attached: 3776wg0jgg991.jpg (3024x4032, 909.1K)

I don't even have a TV. Fuck off.

Most people are dumb user

hell yeah bro lets open the freezer right into the tv bro fuck yeah

Cuz then you can't open the fridge door

Helps with your posture

Attached: High TV.jpg (1224x1632, 427.84K)

>Observant anons will notice the tell-tale signs in the upper left of the photo of a sliding garage door.
It’s all happening in a garage.

fuck stay at home movie viewers. TV is for television only

TV worship is the sign of a decaying culture.
Maybe put a painting above the hearth instead.

That's exactly how my dad's tv is placed. He has a small apartment and thats the only spot that it fits since he doesn't want to block the fireplace he never uses. He bitches about it constantly and every time I go over to watch football I leave with a fucked up neck

You just need a nicer TV then.

you put it that high up but you can't put it an extra inch high so the door to the fridge isn't making contract if it's opened to far?

Awful fucking drywall work.

Garage. Go fig.

American houses are exclusively made of drywall and wood.

Attached: Drywall.jpg (480x640, 27.12K)

To watch from the most diverse scenarios
Still is watchable on a couch, sitting on the floor, lying in bed/couch
"Eye level" only works sitting upright on an average height chair or sofa instead

Attached: CquD6J0WAAA5fBx.jpg (861x749, 46K)

With good reason. They're easy to install, repair, and remodel.

Your dad watches interracial porn

It's to filter out manlets.

No but seriously it's a compromise between the wife that doesn't want a TV to ruin the atmosphere of the living room space and the man that wants to watch sports in the living room with a beer.

I personally just decided to not have a TV at all. This way my girlfriend is happy and as a compromise I get to decide how the backyard, office space and bedroom look.

kys normalshitter and take your fat sow with you

I think I have brain damage. I parsed those white dots as the Bloodborne logo.

Maybe. He dated a black lady for a while and his fiance is Italian. I saw his search history once and it was all milf big ass. Pretty based

imagine being this bussywhipped
what are you going to put in the cuckshed bro