Westoids keep telling me ukrainians aren't nazis

>westoids keep telling me ukrainians aren't nazis
>open pro-ukrainian forums and telegram channels
>non-stop barrage of far-right vitriol

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How are they nazis if their president is Jewish?

They aren't scientific nazis, like some Dixxies in South USA, or the Republic of Orania and Transvaal adepts in South Africa, they are neo-nazis, retarded drug addicteds that larp as nazis because looks cool and deserve be slaughtered by Putin

what we mean when we say nazi and what you mean when you say nazi are two different things


If you are so anti-nazi why don't you import the entire Africa?

Israel is a modern version of the third reich yet everybody supports it. Yanks are the one who decide who is good and bad

i mean, you might as well say "how are they nazis if zelensky's party isn't literally called nsdap?"
obviously we're not using strictly 100% correct polsci vocabulary here, "nazi" is just a general stand-in for far-right
and the institutionalized far-right sentiment in ukraine is present and strong

africans just don't go here, the cost-benefit analysis usually favours rich western countries
all the africans i know who live here are quite privileged, usually with advanced academic degrees

No it's not my fault you think Nazi means far-right. Nazis also thought Slavs were subhuman, obviously Ukrainians aren't rallying to genocide themselves.

This, literally Balkan shit traditions, for them, nazism = just anti Russia/Boris, not wonder if some turk with hairy hands of Istambul literally use some nazi cross and turkic runes tatooed just to despise russian tourists

>No it's not my fault you think Nazi means far-right.
it's not what i think, it's what people generally mean when they say nazi, i'm being descriptive here, not prescriptive
young ukrainians tend to believe in slavic supremacy over russians who they argue are not really slavs because of our partically finno-ugric and scandinavian genetic heritage and supposed but not factually supported mongolian admixture
also, because our language has encorporated more foreign influence than theirs as we interacted with many turkic, mongolic and finno-ugric tribes while ukraine was under polish-lithuanian rule

Then why doesn't your government call them far-right instead of Nazis?

Some people like tatooed nazi cross, because looks bad and cool, was super-common in mainstream culture of 90s, even Ramstein have a nazi cross

we love both russians and ukranians

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because it's not full of acne-ridden political science majors?
also, the russian government is simply exploiting the surge of far-right sentiment in ukraine for their own benefit instead of doing anything to solve the issue, so i don't really care what they say

Nazis are good THOUGH
We should have allied with them to wipe out the communists

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So call them Slavic Supremacists? I don't know man, it seems to me Putin is trying awfully hard to appeal to the reddit audience with the whole "everybody I don't like is a Nazi" thing.

>We should have allied with them to wipe out the communists
We did (after WWII). Look up Adolf Heusinger.

Why the fuck do you fear Nazis? Are all Russians Jews now? Who gives a fuck if they are really Nazi? Nazis died long time ago

i'm gonna repeat myself for the last time, putin uses the vocabulary of his audience, the russian public, not polsci textbook definitions
in russia like in many other places "nazi" just means far-right
"slavic supremacist" doesn't even translate well into russian

>Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Russia is a fascist nation