He kept his record

He kept his record

KNEEL Any Forums
>starts five wars against all of Europe
>his fucking hunting lodge mogs most other European castles
>outlives his son and grandson
>puts his other grandson on the Spanish throne

Attached: Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg (1390x1975, 2.38M)

le real roi est basee


least gay french

best german king of france

cope, the Queen will win

Attached: 1662646157009271.jpg (1286x1300, 388.01K)

This dinasty is not german.

He got mogged by some black guy though as longest reigning monarch

traces back to charlemagne who was undoubtedly german so he was German.

huh, and napoleon was italian. looks like we aren't the only ones with foreign leaders.

>traces back to...
We're all bacteria then.


who traces his back to africa so he was a KANG

sure, but bacteria isn't german.

all french monarchs considered themselves closer to Germans than celts or celto-latins in France.

who traces back to fish so we wuzz fish n shieet

Ouaip c'est basé

Sobhuza II was a fake monarch.

Longest reigning independent Monarch. The list with sub dependant monarchies is chock full of HRE princes who reigned for stupidly long times

Truly the most powerful frenchmen until Napoleon

neeeds updated for italy, germany, britain and america

Americans are legitimately retarded

>bacteria isn't german.
germans are a virus

>all french monarchs considered themselves closer to Germans than celts or celto-latins in France.
Monarchs considered themselves monarchs. They didn't cared about ethnic definitions
Either way following your logic France is a german country too

The winner of the War of Spanish Succession... I kneel...

Imagine Spain and France united under the same King...

Yoooo is that nigga wearing high heels?

>I have come... to take charge and win the war
Immensely based

Attached: Duc_de_Vendôme,_1706.jpg (1280x1719, 488.11K)

>Not a Germ(an)