HDI 2021

CHILE > Args > Mexico > Brazil
Turkey > Russia
India is at rank 132 og 191 countries...

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don't care didn't ask plus HDI is a meme

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>So many declines and stagnation in 2019
You can make it bros, become first world

>muh HDI
Shit parametters, this include Gini indice, and there is plenty shitholes with good equality/equally poor like Cuba

boring stuff. cant wait for this years data this time next year

No, not, to proof what I said, look to the IDH of Cuba

Our life expectancy fell from 70.9 to 67.2 in just 1 year thanks to the fucking flu

The corona fucked life expectancy.
Though China actually managed to evade it.

*70.7, 70.9 was first year of COVID which wasn't as bad

China created It, not wonder...

HDI is a useless parameter, just like GDP.
Did you know that a self sufficient Village in the woods that neither exports anything nor imports anything would have a GDP of zero. Even if the village has its own smelting industry mining industry and everything it needs. It's GDP would still be zero

Oddly it is not that easy. The third world got renamed into the developing world but everyone has been in a similar position for 70 years. Only bigger country to really move up has been South Korea.

Coping hard

HDI just means that you have a homogenous nation and everyone is or equally miserable or equally rich, and everyone just works with the same kind of job

Why no Poland in this chart? We're more important than Argentina

I literally said nothing about India

That's IHDI

You're thinking of GINI

Poland is so powerful it would be outside the limits of the graph. That's why it's not included.

Lol, is the same shit, if wasn't this the parameter, Mexico should be in a better position than Argenstarvationtina

I'm starving

>International statistical rankings
According to such ratings, healthcare in Italy was one of the best in the world. We all remember how Italy met the corona.

ours fell by 5 years in 1 year, so we lost a lot as well.

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