Is Germany for real not gonna have electricity or warm homes next winter? What else countries cant get electricity?

Is Germany for real not gonna have electricity or warm homes next winter? What else countries cant get electricity?

Local news here claim "German is proud of how much little they can live with and have long traditions of poorfaggery"

If this goes on you gotta nuke Russia, do trade with China on gas or something. Or freeze, like Putin wants you to.

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This whole gas and energy bogus is just as scare mongering as the pandemic was. Don't think too much about it. The media, as usual, is just peddling fear.

i think people are just memeing about that whole "they're gonna freeze in the winter" thing, no way their government didn't have contigency plans in case their gas ever got cut
and anyways, even if they do indeed go the winter without heating, what's the big deal? people didn't have heating in the past and they survived winter just fine
an interesting interview with someone who should know if it will happend or not that i have read yesterday about it.
the more or less revelant parts.
> Is the fear of a blackout scaremongering or a realistic scenario?
>Christoph Maurer: The fear is largely scaremongering. The term 'blackout' should be used with caution anyway. Because he means an unplanned large-scale system-wide power failure that has enormous consequences because it can take a long time to restore the supply. This scenario can never be completely ruled out, but with a view to the coming autumn and winter we don't have to worry about it primarily.
> But?
>Christop Maurer: What is more likely to happen to us – and possibly even more to consumers in France, for example – is a so-called rotating shutdown. Certain parts of the load are disconnected from the system for certain periods of time. That's ugly for consumers - but it's very different from a blackout. It makes a difference whether an entire country has no electricity at the same time or whether a city or a district is temporarily taken off the grid for two hours.

gas will get extra super expensive due to heating from homes
this will make industries reliant on gas inputs bleed even more than they already are

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>people didn't have heating in the past
how did they cook food retard?

dunno, never really looked it up, if i had to guess i'd say the german tribes used fire pits inside heir settlements and basic bitch bonfires while traveling

nah we stole it from the romans

I don't care, my oil tank is full

not my problem

I have a fireplace and enough wood to last through Winter. I don't care about poorfags, they brought this upon themselves for voting SPD and the Green party

Almost none of our electricity comes from oil and gas so that part won't be much of an issue. Heating, similarly, is more of a problem for East Germans since they largely heat with gas. The West will be mostly fine.

But even in East Germany they have this thing called "insulation" which R*ssians are apparently unaware of and so even with ZERO heating it would basically be impossible to freeze to death in your home as long as you wear a comfy sweater and some wool socks.

All of this fear mongering is overblown. The most significant impact will be on the economy as some industries (e.g. chemicals) rely on gas to function. But even in the worst-case scenario this will be closer to the 2008 recession than the Mad Max style descent into R*ssian levels of poverty that the vatniks are hoping for.

But Merkel brought this about

But it's partly russias fault

Normal people will be fine. Those who can (1/4 of all households) heat with wood, those who can't leech of the strategic gas reserves. Some industries might be fucked though.

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>nooooo, not the horrible 10°C winters

They survived post-war this shit is fucking nothing.

Very interesting read. Thank you

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>rotating shutdown

this is still third world tier

Germans have money and will find a way to have energy

Should've greenlit those LNG terminals we offered to finance and build, Amerishart. You're not innocent in all of this.

It was so funny when some Greek tourism agency said boomers should just spend the winter in Greece and that “No German will freeze in Greece”
A-Class banter