Any good movies about benjamin franklin?

any good movies about benjamin franklin?

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National Treasure, sort of.

>the ACK squad

Streamers? Games testers? Something to do with video games no doubt

1776, the musical

nah just vanilla troon

if a woman loses her hair, she puts on either:
A) a wig
B) a headscarfe
these xers aren't even trying to pass
go ahead, dress up like a lady if you half to, but for god's sake, make it convincing
you're just making a mockery out of yourself as it is.
Do you think this is a joke?

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It's not about actually passing as a woman, chud. It's about the dopamine rush and sexy thrill of make normal people refer to you as a woman. It's a form of sexual dominance.

good one OP

They just lie and say they're not trying to "conform to gender standards" when they're called out for not passing, even though they try and look as much as a woman as they can. They're all hypocrites




Melbourne detected.
Go back to facebook Dermot.

reminder that this is a picture from a pol meetup.

Oh so you're one of those unironic Any Forums schizos reddit warned me about

...go back. Srsly.

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Ben Franklin married a woman

I've seen autists on Any Forums get really, really upset about Denise in Twin Peaks: The Return

>A Pennsylvania drag queen has been charged with 25 counts of child pornography following a two-year long investigation from the Attorney General’s Office, according to Tri-State Alert.

Holy fucking shit these worthless glowniggers spent TWO YEARS “investigating” someone suspected of this and did NOTHING while he hung out around kids for TWO FUCKING YEARS?! How the FUCK do you look yourself in the mirror at night knowing you’re letting this fucking animal get away with grooming for 700+ FUCKING DAYS and not saying anything?

>Hodge Twins
Damn, haven't thought of them in like a decade. Glad to see they're still based.

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How long did it take them to catch him? 3 or 4 years? How many did he get to rape while they sat on their asses pulling a 9-5 and pretending to give a shit?

Yeah, but that sick pervert wasn't being patted on the back by society for actively grooming children. The other sicko was.

>incel bad therefore tranny good
Doesn't work that way, sorry bud. YWNBAW either.

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>mr anime creator can't you make characters look different
>*makes a character that looks like a human goldfish

What did you mean with that cartoon character's nose, user?