Barbie (2023)

So this is not for children?

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islam predicted this

C'mon Barbie, let's go party.

>director Greta Gerwig

>director Greta Gerwig

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This movie doesn't stand a chance even if it didn't have that kind of shit.

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Isn't that Harly Quinn

>Any Forums expecting meme film for little girls
>it's actually gonna be a Lynchian Truman Showesque psychological horror film about the superficial world we live in
screencap it

It's gonna flop, isn't it?

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goose bro's....... how will we ever recover

i love the fake screenrant articles like this and the jordan peele “anti-nazi claim” one. i don’t know who keeps making them but they can clearly barely speak english and enjoy obsessively reposting obviously fake articles. i hope this one becomes a meme too.

they made a better movie 20 years ago with a black chick and a junkie

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Damn I had hopes for this one, it had meme potential

um its ackshually directoress Greta Gerwig, get your pronouns right bigot

Isn't this bitch american? has she ever interacted with the average millennial and zoomer over there? she's got nothing to worry about anymore.

>woman director
i hoped for another DRIVE kino

So let me get this straight. A movie about BARBIE the iconic doll for millions of girls for decades is going to have a movie. And this movie isn't going to be fun for the little girls, it's going to be another fucking POLITICAL WOKE AGENDA fest. For who exactly? The little girls? What the fuck? Can't they just make fun movies anymore?

critic or critique?

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>hegemonic masculinity
I guess that comes from random men looking at her ass and will farrel's character wanting her back to barbieland or whatever.
>a critic of monogamy
Unless the movie is set in the 80's, what exactly is it criticizing? More and more people are no longer having exclusive relationships, even less getting married. It's beating a dead horse at this point.

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Like they said, a critic. Barbie and Ken talk to the camera reviewing morning gender rolls

Thats how they are. They don't function in reality. all they can do is spew out globehomo propaganda.
