Is Azerbaijan the ideal Chud country?

Is Azerbaijan the ideal Chud country?
>Family dynasty ruling as a Presidential dictatorship
>Neo fascistic military regime
>closed borders
>allies with similar regimes like Israel
>Oil rich so autonomous energy wise
>Strict Secularism, no islamist bullshit
>Hyper nationalism, the whole people is basically one big tribe/community
>refuses to clearly side with either USA or Russia
>starts a preemptive war against Armenian filth, wins without crying for help and opening its legs in the rest of the world

Attached: Azerbaijan-Armenia_state_border.png (2589x1741, 272.17K)

Azerbaijanis are islamic and brown.


Attached: Chudjani.png (1345x585, 913.99K)

>are islamic
lol they are not hayk

Translate, user

my armenian brothers will get their comeback

>Nearly 99% of the population of Azerbaijan is Muslim. (Estimates include 96.9% Muslim, 93.4% (Berkley Center, 2012), 99.2% (Pew Research Center, 2009).)

soviets buck broken islamic countries really hard
most azeris are quite atheistic and secular
turkey on the other hand is different as islamic ideology was pushed by usa to counter soviet secularism

>She is married to Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan. Aliyev created the position of vice president in 2017 and appointed his wife to the position.

They should annex a bit of land to connect the enclave. Also maybe annex that Armenian lake by the border for lulz.

>Fucking blacks ruin our bloodlines with their disgusting bloods! Very awful pic
>I am disgusted by this photo. Instead of marrying him, I would kill myself. Because of females like this, our nation is doomed. I am not gonna say anything, I think they love how I swear to them. 14/88
>I don't know what they are trying to say with their racemixing
>Only prostitute marries with foreigner. Fuck this girls family. Yes I am racist,
>I am against all azerbaijani-foreigner marriages. Turkic can only marry with Turkic. Not with fucking nigger
>Fu blyat! This girls with marrying this nigger showed massive disrespect to entire Turkic nations. If she married with nigger then she thinks that niggers better than us. This cunt shouldn't be alive!
>Fuck this type of love

This is mostly nominal, like Europeans identifying as Christians but very low church attendance. They're more secularized than even Turkey

Lmfao fucking brutal
Ty user

VGH… the pvre Azerbaijan genetic legacy has been ruined.

Meanwhile Turks from Turkey love blackpipo

It would be very easy to produce some telegenic liberal-seeming "governor" who learned Armenian in deep state school to say these people we just conquered are a part of our country, we understand they have major disagreements with us over the history and over what just happened but we will treat them with respect, we want their lands to prosper and we want them to have good lives.

But AZ just wants to do ethnic cleansing while no one's watching lmfao

>Yes I am racist

Interesting. I always expected people would go full religious once state sponsored atheist stopped

Isn't gigachad a azeri from Russia irl?

turks have this french style anti-racism. like the french its being sorely tested by millions of immigrants

no, he's a tajik. probably the most famous tajik in a 1000 years, which is genuinely trajikistani all things considered

Why the fuck are T*rks so monumentally asshurt about Armenians?

>Wins without crying for help
Except the thousands of Turkish paid mercs that were sent

its the other way around
for good reason

I'm pretty sure he is azeri but either way he's some kind of churka

it's the other way

Fuck off retard, you cunts constantly post about Armenians

Attached: turks on armenians.png (1310x3116, 735.47K)