People should know when they're conquered

People should know when they're conquered.

Attached: 1662564086454223.png (920x766, 979.75K)

the absolute state

>50% male
>80% white
>A cabinet that's

Lib Dems are the most white politicians now

white women are literally the devil in human flesh

It is needed desu, whites and specially white "men" can't govern themselves, they're the reason why we to this day have war, shitty economy, inflation, and so on

Who voted for her?

Would you,Quintus?
Would I?

Brilliant to see at last. A corner turned.

the tories, but not the voters. very democratic system that uk has.

Why is that post under the "equality" tag? That doesn't sound very equal to me.

Ok jigaboo woggy shitskin.

>im a chuddy little pissbaby who gets triggered by skin
Lmfao these corporate hatchetmen are the conservatives you losers love

Conservative parties make senior minority appointments at times of crisis. They'll blame their inevitable failure on the diverse cabinet, wait for a turnaround, then bring the white men back in.

ching chong bing bong

Boomers in the Tory party. And she was the "right-wing" candidate.

But hey, at least we're not speaking German. I'm sure this is what millions of white men in two world wars died for.


Attached: british_energy_crisis_wheel.webm (960x550, 3M)


instead you will speak urdu and we turkish, thank you britain.

You can take pleasure in our suffering at least.

>prepayment meter

Just read about it and it's such a (((nasty))) system