*enhance your kino*

*enhance your kino*

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Ager is an idiot

plotcel seething and coping

I keep seeing this fag's videos recommended on youtube. Why would I want to listen to some unsuccessful hack's opinion about anything?

RLM, YMS, NC, RTMM, IHE, Mauler, E;R, and Filmento all need to watch that video

Not really his video on why modern movie sucks are pretty accurate.

he's a bit cheeky innit?



they're midwits, they don't expose themselves to anything beyond surface level and neither do their fans

YMS is the only one - from what I've seen - who doesn't just analyze the plot.

Reminder this dude called women wearing niqab "mysterious dark cloaked men" during his Exorcist analysis

I find him to be pretty informative

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reading the hero journey won't make appreciate Buzz Lightyear faggot


Midwits are all about muh themes, muh symbolism. Those guys are bottomwits.

Holy cope lol.

Found the midwit.

>Found the midwit.

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Sorry you're not smarter/more interesting.

>he replied to it
>he's seething now

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they don't though. they are satisfied with just recognizing themes and then patting themselves on the back because they like feeling clever. they'll never dive in to explore it properly and connect all the dots throughout the film with multiple viewings because urgh, that's just too much effort now. peak midwit.

He's not wrong, but a lot of his stuff comes across as 'explained to retards at a high school level'.
I mean if you have to explain to your audience that movies have a deeper level underneath the plot then it's already a lost cause.
I agree with most of what he says, but I don't agree with his dichotomies.
He says that some people that don't look deeper into movies also tend to lack critical thought or introspection. Well if you say 'some' you can pretty much make any statement true. I for one tend not to look past the surface level of plots when it comes to movies because I don't consider most movies worth the 'work' it takes for such meager rewards, but I always think deeply about other people's differing points of view and am deeply critical about the limits of my own knowledge or what I assume to be true.

>He says that some people that don't look deeper into movies also tend to lack critical thought or introspection. Well if you say 'some' you can pretty much make any statement true.
And everything that follows is just this poster being angry at the recorded video for feeling insulted by the points made there.

Repeat ad nauseum.
I'm not sure what you're inferring. A bottomwit will take everything in a movie at face value. A midwit will decode obvious symbolism to feel smart. A topwit probably has better things to do than fixate on movies.