Movies where the protagonist must take drastic measures because the bad guys won’t think logically?

Movies where the protagonist must take drastic measures because the bad guys won’t think logically?

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Chudbros.... we did this.. :(

The first one is likely a joke

Really? because I laughed at all of them.

i would eat them, you know how young flesh tastes? it's best mere seconds out of the womb. don't believe me? try it.

>We should murder to avoid murder

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Why don't women empathize with babies like men do? if a man murdered a newborn he'd be given a life sentence minimum.

Come on changs just nuke us already

do women really?

You honestly think changs would treat babies any better? Do you remember what they did to girls during the one child policy?

>uhhh let us murder babies because otherwise we will murder babies
Kek, and everyone knows women are more likely to use a wire hanger and fuck their pussies up

>if a man murdered a newborn he'd be given a life sentence minimum.
i drowned a newborn baby in a restroom stall and nobody cared.

Why are women so fucking retarded? Honestly they get off a lot easier than would be in a just society.

Miscarriages should be charged just as badly as manslaughter since most pregnant women do some absolutely retarded shit like drinking or smoking while pregnant.

i get normal conservatives have issues with abortion but do people on here really care or do they just like watching women suffer?

Something tells me that this guy isn't being very truthful

Sorry, we meant in white (human) countries.

The only woman I love is my grandma. All the rest can burn for all I care

fucking with retarded young people has to be one of the most fun activities in a nursing home besides the orgies

Literally just chuds from Any Forums that adopted the christian mindset as s cope. Normal acknowledge that abortion is a necessary evil to avoid further suffering.

Why don't you blow your brains out you fucking piece of shit. You are a fucking disgrace, I'd rape your fucking corpse you piece of shit. Would anyone care if you died? No. You are so fucking pathetic and sad. I'll fucking rape your corpse, don't tempt me you godamn worthless cunt. I fucking murder prostitutes in my free time hahahahaha I will rape your fucking corpse bro. Yeah Shut The Fuck Up.

I think you have to be insane to not be a little skeeved out by killing unborn babies/fetuses whatever for such stupid reasons

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This user makes more sense than most conservatives. If abortion is murder, why aren't miscarriages manslaughter? or at least involuntary manslaughter?

Murdering babies in general seems like a pretty nasty thing to do, but there are a lot of horrible things in the world so normally I'd just say whatever and move on. What gets me however is the hypocrisy, people treat abortion like it's some good and empowering thing when it's really just them killing their babies because the baby would be an inconvenience. That hypocrisy makes me go from looking past it to actively opposing abortion.


Because killing babies is bad you retard

Every woman says it's hard to have an abortion. Probably because they know it's wrong.

More like when did you become such a pearl clutching poof that you care about babies


I care. call me a moralfag I don't care. It's like the bare minimum as far as I'm concerned. but women sure hate consequences, unless it involves someone else

>we're supposed to feel sympathy for women who murder their children

Even fucking animals will take care of other species babies when they give birth.

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They're not babies though

Conservatives ARE normal people.

No, it's a stunning and brave action, that requires therapy.

Can you stop spamming this board with your faggot shit?

>t. the Road

Lol you guys try so hard to turn this around, killing babies is bad

SEETHING tranny oh no no no

>hole giving more reasons why they should have zero rights

Is this supposed to in defense of abortions? It just makes it seem like murdering children is literally the point for these people

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Things that never happened. Women lie constantly.

That's the crazy thing, the complaint is that murder isn't easy enough to commit and hide so they need the help of professional murderers.

Fragile womenity

If you don't let us kill children, people will kill children

Christcuck indoctrination, simple as

>They're not babies though

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>women suffer?

Women have life in easy mode, all the stories you hear are about rape, or life threatening birth, or some other minuscule percentage of abortions.

The truth is, women are vain, they think they are on top of the world, and they could hardly be blamed for thinking so, life is so easy for them, all they need to do is snap their fingers and they get sex with whoever they want. Of course, the problem is afterwards comes the pregnancy, and they have their ego slapped out of them, most of them cannot cope with their new life, so they simply abort to reset their cards. And I'm talking 94% of them, that is the vast majority of abortions.

That’s why this whole thing makes them seethe so much. None of their usual tactics work on this issue.

You wouldn't know what it's like to be human, but humans like babies and don't want them killed.

>acknowledge that abortion is a necessary evil to avoid further suffering.
people who say this must really hate life. It's a blessing not a punishment. nothingness is hell. it's something man has always tried to avoid.

Don't think this is a fucking joke you piece of shit i will rape you bloody you fucking cunt. i have killed before many times, people on here. I murdered him in his sleep, as he whined the blood splattered everywhere he ended up choking on it hahahahaha. You think you can fuck with me you stupid motherfucker, you're lucky I don't live in the same country otherwise I'd have already finished the job.

Do you realize the only reason you even think differently than them is because you were programmed to think that way by a group of very powerful people that make money selling aborted baby parts?

>we should allow baby killing to avoid baby killing

>did a pregnant woman trip once?
>straight to jail
why are conservatives so cruel?

>We should make murder legal cuz people will do it anyways
This is pure mental gymnastics. These retards are making me side with the christians

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Yeah, just look at all these pathetic seething virgins in the replies. And it’s sad because the only girl that’s gonna fuck them is an ugly dame called Life

Tell me more leftoid
I bet you cry when you step on an ant

I won't get into my feelings on the matter since frankly I don't know how to feel and abortion is the single most complicated topic I can think of in every way, but my grandmother literally tried to do something similar to my father and was not some young woman or a drug addict or whatever, and already had kids and a decent life and income etc. Pregnancy and birth is fucking insane shit physically, hormonally, spiritually, and is tied into every single aspect of your life and psychology and identity. True or not, all of these stories are plausible. I'm not saying that means abortion should be legal or illegal, but thinking thongs like them didn't happen even just half a century ago is incorrect.

You're drunk, user. Go to bed.

Why do you guys pretend to be stupid

Do you murder a baby chicken when you crack an egg?

They might be virgins but imagine siding with femoids unironically. You are beyond subhuman.

No one cares, you dumb schizo third worlder

even if you accidentally bump into someone, if they tripped and suffered a serious injury, you're at fault. The same should apply to women and their unborn babies.

>buying fertilized chicken eggs

I will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you i will fucking kill you

You know the eggs you get from the store aren't fertilized right?

Anybody who uses the word femoid could die and be missed by zero people, without a doubt. You do it to yourselves

It’s literally not murder by any definition of the word.
>killing a person
Since “we should murder to avoid murder” as you put it implies that legal abortion is murder, it’s
1. Not unlawful
2. Not a person since a fetus has no personhood nor the first prerequisite for personhood, sentience…? You know a subjective conscious experience ? Yeah it doesn’t have that. A seed is not a plant and since you’re obviously some religious fundamentalist retard, your own religious texts say it’s not alive until it takes a breath. Guess abortion up to 9 months is good with you then.

Lol this deluded virgin thinks acting this way makes him a man
She didn't fuck you when you simped
She won't fuck you when you act like an "alpha"
She won't fuck you at all

>yo I heard you like murder, dawg

Can you tell me the difference between a fetus that is 9 months old and a fetus that is 8 months and 30 days old?

>dude shoots and kills a pregnant woman
>he gets charged with two murders
It is literally murder.

Come to vermont tranny I will throw you on the ground and piss on your face. Maybe you can ship yourself in cargo since a plane ticket would be too expensive

Killing an unborn baby because the mother was raped is basically the same thing as an extremist islamic honor killing. Your punishing the victim for something the perpetrator has done. The unborn baby has done nothing and yet you will kill it.

Sorry, did you say something?

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>She didn't fuck you when you simped
You are literally projecting. Kill yourself simpnigger.

I don't like the narrative that pregnancy and babies are just about women. Sure, they have more saying since they keep them 9 months in their bodies, but there's also a father you know? I'd say it's 60:40. Why shouldn't the father have a say?