How do you guys feel about two party systems?

How do you guys feel about two party systems?

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It's time to bring back the Confederate party tbqhdesu

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Kek, the guy on the left would go to jail here for wering that shirt.


why are 3rd parties not a thing in the usa? even the dumbest and most brain-dead american should know at this point that republicans and democrats are the same of fucking them in the ass.

I love Hitler

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As long as there is a third party armed with guns and bombs, aiming to destroy both of them and install enlightened dictatorship.

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There are third parties, but they often only get like 1% of the vote if that. People see them as not worth voting for because it might cause the other party to win.

is there also some kind of 5% voters line that we have here in the usa?

Americans can't be jailed in Germany, silly.

Left looks average in original, though.

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>Chuds have to shop some guy to make libs look as bad as them

It's because of our First Past the Post system of voting where a candidate has to have an outright majority in order to win. This makes it so only two parties are mathematically viable. And both the Republican and Democratic parties are old and entrenched enough to ensure the system cannot be changed.

The rules for getting on the ballot vary by state. 3rd parties candidates typically do not appear on the ballot in every state.

its a fucking stupid system why don't you change it?
>And both the Republican and Democratic parties are old and entrenched enough to ensure the system cannot be changed.
ohhhhh..... i'm sorry.

I like monarchy

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I don't see a difference, he's still a megamind with a girraffe neck.

Keep in mind that while party platforms have changed a lot over time, as organizations the Republican Party has existed since the 1850s and the Democratic Party since the 1820s. That's a lot of time to accrue power.