Well for one he was probably a closeted homosexual who did a lot of cocaine, that Yale thing

Well for one he was probably a closeted homosexual who did a lot of cocaine, that Yale thing

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I've been retweeted by BAP in the past week about 6 times.

In case anyone doesn't know this is what that MIGA twitter faggot "Bronze Age Pervert" looks like.


Yes. Hello.

never heard of him, but anyone that stands with israel shoud also stand straight while the noose tights aorund their necks

him and all his followers are gay as fuck, and they would take this as a compliment

is there some gay twitter beef between him and one of those lefty ironycel accounts or something

Yeah he roleplayed as an edgy subversive redpilled gigachad but never ever criticized israel and told everyone to support zion don even as he was pardoned nigger rappers who made songs about killing trumpoids and planned to give 500 billion to blacks and mexicans and was angling for another desert war with Iran for israel's benefit

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Did you vote for Trump?


His book was good and he's much less deformed than the people who are mad about him so I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an own or what.

His book is schizobabble

No it was good.

He criticizes Israel and Jews a ton have you fags even touched his content?

Anyone who supports Trump and the Republican party is a Jewlover by proxy

Well we better not read what he's writing about just in case he doesn't criticize the jews enough! Who's with me bros!!?!

hes a retarded fag and the fact he's associated with an ivy league school shows what a joke non-stem academia is. Stem has its own problems but at least pseud trash like this guys writing isn't taken seriously.

he has a math degree from MIT faggot he went to Yale for a polisci phd so he can be bang twinks for half a decade instead of getting a job

youre a yeast man my post is primal and masculine and yours is passive feminine and yeast-like. Subscribe to my patreon and buy my book, thanks

BAPs book was very funny, don't know why he gets so much hate


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hail amarna

checked for slobbot

I'm yet to see anyone adequately explain why anything he says is in his book is wrong.

>b-but it he went to school!

that fag is worse, i dont go on twitter or like anyone who got famous through it. Nice try though, I'm sure BAP would think you're very powerful for defending him on Any Forums

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