Floop is a madman, help us, save us!

Floop is a madman, help us, save us!

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whats this from? I recognize it but dont remember.

are tv users really this dense

spy kids

Zoomer Kino: The Movie

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>spy kids

Zoomers weren't even born yet wtf lol

t. zoomer

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No, now dance for my amusement faggot

Was I wrong for expecting actual spy shit?

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I'm the guy

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Attached: Spy Kids 3 (9).webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Why was this so terrifying please someone explain

This shit was so kino. Growing up i wanted one of these so bad

>tfw no instant borgar machine

Attached: hurtsjustalittle.jpg (750x920, 32.15K)

Standard uncaney valley monster would be enough to scare kids, but paired with a threat of torture through disfigurement it's an overkill


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*is the superior spy movie with kids in your path*

Attached: catch that kid.jpg (485x726, 85.5K)

>Directed by Robert Rodriguez
Yes obviously

5th grade me used to lay in bed at night and imagine taking my crush for a ride in that little plane and then she'd kiss me after we landed.
