Holy fucking KINO

holy fucking KINO

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>I'm just here for my AZT pills, Marty

Attached: o7_500.jpg (500x218, 44.43K)

>look up the dr fauci villain
>hes fucking real

Attached: coronaVirusDallasBuyersClub.jpg (768x768, 119.39K)

Fauci is in the movie? I don't remember that

according to my fact checkers, this statement is unfounded.

I liked it a whole lot more than I was expecting too. Certified AIDSmonkey kino.


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Why did everyone pretend they never saw this movie when Covid hit? It was a big movie.

He isn't, it's just le political meme by comparing covid and horse medicine with AIDS and whatever the fuck they were taking. Funny how Any Forumsincels think fauci is an evil mastermind using satan powered 5G chips and reddit s.oys think him and his science juice can save people from a deadly 96% survival rate when he's just an incompetent nepotist prick.

debunked unironically. sorry chud

He was the bad guy, even if he wasn't named.

not correct.

>holy fucking KINO

Attached: 15809 - arm christianity clothes cross excited glasses hair hand hands_up hat marichka nazi necklace pointing russo_ukrainian_war ukraine variant:chudjak yellow_hair.png (1075x1032, 83.98K)

memes aside, yes. great movie, great acting, heartwarming story.

yes correct.

You can't be this retarded. It's not like this is hidden.

That fucking filename holy shit.

>it's real if I want it to be real!

>It's wrong if I want it to be wrong! fauci a good boy he dindu nuffin!

The film was based on a true story. Are you playing dumb?

Sweaty bum sex, the movie.

>voltage pictures
yeah nah these guys are fucking assholes
fuck voltage pictures and fuck anything they're involved with