I was fooled into watching this. I thought it was just some creative dystopian action film like Mad Max. I enjoyed it...

I was fooled into watching this. I thought it was just some creative dystopian action film like Mad Max. I enjoyed it. Turns out it's a comic book movies. I just enjoyed capeshit.

Attached: MV5BODkyNDQzMzUzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODYyMDEyOA@@._V1_.jpg (1382x2048, 879.3K)

using a comic as inspiration =/= automatically capeshit

comic =/= superhero

Attached: hotshot.webm (1920x800, 2.74M)

The source material isn't what you think it is. Back in the 80s, it was incredibly fucking subversive shit.

imagine the smell

Imagine it? I live it. I remember cutting those kids tendons back in Mosul, thinking I was the good guy. But I wasn't the good guy. I was the bad guy. CO says "kill anything that moves," and I did. With wild abandon. Dogs, kids, moms, didn't care. And for what? I ask you: for what? No. I don't need to imagine the smell. I live the smell. It's in my dreams, in the quiet moments, at the park, in the supermarket. That smell coats me like a thick, black oil. Don't talk to me of that smell.

Why did this shit never get a sequel?

Because you pirated it.

One of the few movies I actually bought a digital copy of, shame it never got a sequel.

Is the first Dredd movie worth watching?


Not as good, but still worth a watch I think.

The Dredd comics were literally written as anti-capeshit comics.

MCU/capeshitters would probably hate Dredd.

Could a movie actually cover the supernatural shit from the Dredd movies or should they just keep it somewhat grounded like the movie

Mods suck big stinky donkey dicks
>but not that one that's okay
Which is it, nigger?

There is a critical shortage of comics that aren't capeshit. Even when you look in the sci-fi or fantasy section it's stuffed full of crap like Guardians of the Galaxy and The X-men in King Arthur's Court or whatever.

I liked the way they did it in Dredd because it's very easy to imagine Megacity One as the real future.

That's roughly true of basically any genre. 99% of human entertainment media/arts are lowest common denominator trash that is just barely good enough to entertain the masses (you're proverbial capeshit), while in every genre there are a few gems that go against the grain and stand out as gems because of it.

The truth is that most fiction is garbage and media that specifically goes against the garbage stands out and is better for it.

I did not care for the slo-mo scenes.

I really liked it. Shame it barely broke even so a sequel will never happen.

On the big screen and in 3D, it was pure fucking kino.

Not all comics feature superheros you incredible idiot.

Yep. It barely broken even, so no sequel.

think for a second, retard. there are plenty of good comic movies.
>punisher 2004
>raimi spider-man 1 and 2
>xmen 1 and 2, days of future past
>batman begins and dark knight
>sin city
stop being a dramatic little bit00v42ch

fbpb, summers over op (You) are a fagget