Bang Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp, all in their prime

>bang Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp, all in their prime
How did she do it?

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>we need a retarded whore

Because she cute. She also peaked in Strange Days.

By acting in movies with them

two words: Cape Fear

she was a good hole

she's a freak

This. She'd do when Winona Ryder was out of town.

Look at her, you can just tell she eats ass

i laughed and started drooling

Is that Zach Cregger from WKUK?

by being a very low IQ whore who had insane fuck skills.
that fugly bitch lucked out in life. under any other constellation she should and would have ended up in porn.

>started drooling
Thinking about eating ass?

Her feet are sexy as fk.
Also, does blonde very well.
Primo cutie pie.
Especially on Cape Fear

This. Sometimes you just need a slag you can fuck without having to take out to dinner or talk to a whole lot. Doesn't matter what she looks like, because your only other option is jerking off.

based retard

She's the daughter of actor Geoffrey Lewis. Porn was never an option.

she was always great at playing retards and low IQ white trash in everything in the 90s

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You've clearly never seen her work with uncle terry

If you told me that this chick fucked a dog I would believe you. THAT'S how she got those dudes. She's a F R E A K. Some stuff is less important if you're just having fun. Unless you plan to marry her, it doesn't matter that her face isn't perfect.

Post it

that supposed to be impressive? still got that bitch face.

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that was deboonked, but top-quality lookalike however

De Niro also tore that pussy up OP

Attraction is very different when you live your life in the real world. I don't mean to imply haha fuck you incel because I'm talking from both sides of the equation. In real life, you'll often feel romantically and sexually attracted to women who are not conventionally beautiful because other aspects are at play, the so-called "chemistry" is a real thing.
Otoh, internet choosiness (hhm didn't like this one, I'll jerk off to another) isn't quite attraction, though there's nothing wrong with jerking off within reason either.

Strong sexual energy.

Based and TouchedGrassPilled

Grace Kelly did the same, she fucked whoever she wanted and she was literally a princess.

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tell that to Laurence Fishbourne

Some people are simply possessed by a certain sexual energy that betrays their appearance, and when you see them, you feel an instinctual need to fuck them. This cannot be explained further than this, you have either experienced the intensity of it or you haven’t, and it’s always random and happens with women you wouldn’t even look at twice at any other time, but for some reason they do something to you and an uncompromising need to sexually conquer them becomes your only thought.

She did heroine with them

Most women from that era look weird in pictures, but she is classically beautiful.

she looks like a retarded hooker