Tfw we're never getting a sequel

>tfw we're never getting a sequel

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Good. Ryan Gosling is a faggot

>t. jealous fat fuck retard cunt faggot fucking dipshit cuck

It's fine as it is. Not everything needs a sequel

I am NOT a faggot

Shut up Ryan go do take number 48 of the scene where margot robbie kicks you in the dick in Barbie (2023)

Good, that movie is shit. If you like it consider suicide

if you think that movie is shit then you are shit

Because it wasn't a very good movie, and it was only ever propped up as some kind of attack on comic book films, "omg look what kind of movies we aren't getting because the MCU exists!!!", might want to save those posts for a movie thats actually watchable next time

the only good thing about that movie is loli Angourie Rice

Its objectively one of the worst movies ever made. You don't have to lash out because you're retarded enough to get tricked into liking trash

Surprised they couldn’t make one and put it on Netflix. It’s got enough of a following where I’m sure a streaming service would take it on. Maybe nobody wants to make it

Her being in it makes it even worse. Her being in it takes it from "shit" to "horribly evil shit everyone involved with making should be killed".

Unironically my favorite flick, I would love sequel but Im just happy this exists

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>giving you a rim job
hahahaha...hahaha OH WOW

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Opened the thread to say this. A perfectly good movie that can stand on it's own without the need of a sequel retroactively ruining it

yeah well this says otherwise

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This and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang have a similar vibe. Why can’t we get more LA detective action-comedies?


>70s shit
fucking trash

The sexual tension between the girl and Crowe was weird. I don't know why anyone on Any Forums likes this movie.

Most of Any Forums is pedos