Do you ever remember random lines from Sopranos and start giggling? Every line is perfection

Do you ever remember random lines from Sopranos and start giggling? Every line is perfection.

I remembered this one a few moments ago and almost lost it.

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yeah of course
>IT. WASN'T. HIS. FAULT. her parents are just going for a big payday because his dad was in forbes magazine

Why would anyone want to watch this venomous boomer shit

scraping your nipples of these fresh leather seats

Satanic Black Magic, Sick Shit!

I quote it literally every day

i dont get it

More creative than Spielberg you are

summer zoomer baiter begone!

The Sopranos has a lot of lines that are not inherently funny but funny in an off the cuff way.

>Look at this, the fifth question and the poor prick used all his lifelines.

I wish we wouldve had whole movies about some characters, like Jhonny Sack and Little Carmine

He wont quit this fucking guy

>Why would anyone want to watch this venomous boomer shit
Ok, what great zoomer media do you recommend? Let me guess: some faggot screaming at a Fortnite screen.

"I'd like to break my dick off in that ass of hers."

What does this line even mean, he wants to put his dick in her ass and then cut it off so that it stays there? What do you call this type of sexual fixation


I'd love to see what the five families in NY are up to now.

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>get that egg salad out of there!

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Was Phil going to kill Butch after the war was over? I thought Phil saying "When this is over you and I are going to sit down and talk" meant "We're going to work out any issues you have and see how we can improve things" but it seems like Butch took it to mean "You're on my shitlist now for how you've fucked this whole thing up".

IT'S. A. RETIREMENT. COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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He was getting bumped down at the very least with a good chance of getting whacked. Either way it was in Butch's best interest to give Phil up.

I gotta take a wicked shit

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He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. He was an interior decorator!

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That's definitely how Butch took it. Phil obviously isn't gonna outright say he's gonna kill him, but he knows that Phil isn't happy and seeing how Phil has carried out a wholesale massacre of the leadership of two families this isn't instill confidence.

The utter stupidity

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what did butch fuck up at that point?

Don't they have medicine, these assholes?

Why did Paulie just get stupider as the show went on? I liked a lot of the quips and stuff he'd say in seasons 1 and 2. He made me realize how filthy shoelaces really could be, like why ARE they wet so much? Fucking gross.

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It's the best show on tv?


Fucking Jason, he's dyslexic.

Phil decided to basically take a backseat in the war and left everything to Butch, and like a Monday morning quarterback called Butch to complain about Tony not being clipped first before Bobby and Silvio.

Nothing. He helped Phil plan the decapitation of NJ, and Phil was blaming him for not killing Tony first even though it sounded like they'd both come up with the idea. Idk if he planned on whacking him, but at the end of the day I think Butch just decided Phil wasn't much of a boss. I like the detail of Butch getting lost in Chinatown in a neighbourhood that used to be Italian.