Why is Pretty Baby (1978) rated 18 for showing 12-year-old Brooke Shields naked while The War of the Buttons (1994) is...

Why is Pretty Baby (1978) rated 18 for showing 12-year-old Brooke Shields naked while The War of the Buttons (1994) is rating G (suitable for all ages) despite showing boys as old as 14 naked?

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I liked it.

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I'm so jealous it's unreal.

why do sharts sexualize everything? is it the corn syrup?

because the jews run the ratings along with everything else

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brain damaged op strikes for the 60th time

how far into the movie is she naked?

It's been a while since I've watched it, but I think at the halfway point.

>nobody talking about how hot, slender and busty Susan Sarandon was here too

Does it count as naked if they don't actually show any of her private areas?

They do though, don't they? I guess I can't remember.

She looked good, but it's kinda hard to direct your attention away from Shields.

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do you really think they'd be able to show a 12 yo naked? use your head user

I liked Shields southern accent in this movie.

Probably prostitution, violence, language, child abuse, pedophilia. Also Pretty Baby is a really good movie. I got the soundtrack on vinyl.

She's so fucking hot. She is STILL hot.

One is in a very adult situation and is somewhat graphic. The other is childishly innocent and played for laughs.

Do you think War of the Buttons would have kept it's G rating if the girls in that film were completely naked as well?

I don't see why they would. They weren't actually in the "war" like the boys were.

I thought they were in the war iirc. I don't remember because we watched it in school 13 years ago.

If the girls were in the war and went completely naked with the boys, do you think the film would have kept it's "suitable for all ages" rating? I bet the film would have been banned or rated 18

They just helped to pull down a bridge or something I think.