Opinion on this movie?

Opinion on this movie?

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It all proves pre lock up Derek to be right. Derek did nothing wrong. He was only imprisoned because of cuck Commiefornia laws. I bet he goes back to the lifestyle after all his former friends go see i told you so lol.

But hey he had a based black friend who shucked and jived to help entertain him in prison.

There was an alternative ending where his brother gets killed by nogs and he just immediately drops the act and goes straight back to his old self.

Pretty realistic.

It's not an alternative, it's the actual. Ed Norton refused to do it cause he's a numbnuts

If it wasn't released then it's not the real one. I know you're right, it's the better one, and Norton's a fag.

I remember the curbstomp and then he gets raped in jail but not much else

Pretty cool, but I hate how the whole attention was given to niggers instead of the real worldwide problem - kikes.


From an era where we tried to make people think racists and Nazis were real people just like the rest of us.

The worst part of the movie is Edward Norton wasn’t raped to death in prison.

>Ed Norton refused to do an ending which would depict the culmination of a lifetime experience into an unbreakable cycle

Go to bed Stacey

Cringe movie with scenes that are based when taken out of context.

The rest of it is pretty forgettable but those two are very well known by everyone

weird fetish but ok

Hands too weak to open a bottle of Onions typed this post

I just shaved my head and now the only jokes I hear are I look like this guy. Why couldn't the goose movie where he's a nazi take off so atleast I could be compared to him


and behold, the cycle still continues to this day

Do Nazis really have gay sex with each other all day?

All I took away from this movie

What is American History X about? Beyond the battle between good and evil and curbstomping and all that bullshit, what is it really about? I'l tell you what it's about, it's about a democracy trying to keep a young man from going gay.
So it's like, it's like, Cameron is telling Danny "come to the white side, come with us, come to the gay side" because Danny is conflicted, he wants Sweeney. So Sweeney is like "I got keep this guy on the straight side, I gotta make him a sjw" so what does he do? What does Sweeney do? He disguises. He covers his face, he bleaches the fuck out of it and changes his accent to look more like a meth addicted hooker from San Bernardino, where, by the way, Derek often visited to "pick up Stacey", than a real principal, and sneaks into the prison to rape Derek. And that's the only time he manages to get him to bed. But then, THEN, Danny decides to join the skinheads , to join the gays, because he cannot hold back any longer. And then the principal has his gang stalk Derek's house and Derek gets released and Seth is killing bugs and the skinheads are taking the hits, the gays are winning the incels and what does Cameron tell Danny at the end? What does he tell him? That's right "We need to stick to our OWN KIND"

>high fives

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W-why do you ask us?

character does 180 because they spent sometime in prison. is this real?

yeah, American ones.

Pretty gay after the prison scenes. Pretty much everything not in black & white is shit