Why is Any Forums so mad that this living soijak got what he deserved?

Why is Any Forums so mad that this living soijak got what he deserved?

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We're mad that the writing is so damn hamfisted that he even exists as he does in the first place.

Most people on Any Forums are racist bigots who voted for trump and think the shit they hear on Facebook is more credible than the news.

Sounds like the writing hit its target.

Even though a white man cucked a black guy, lefty chuds should still be celebrating it for it's racemixing. MM still seethes that his wife gets pounded every night by a white nerd.

that’s reddit you’re talking about mate

search the boys reaction on youtube (to your own discretion), 90% of the dweebs there have this exact phenotype. Most are liberal democrats, just go on twitter.
The fact that they made this guy be right winger, and not have him be some fat muscly boomer with a maga hat, shades and a pickup truck, just shows how self aware they are on how ugly and weak looking they are. But not self aware enough on how they will draw their weak selves as their enemy. Much like chudlike trannies using the chud meme.


perfect representation of a trump voter

>believes "alt news" instead the actual trusted news like CNN or MSNBC
>probably racist , but actually in love with a black woman
>raising another man's (who is black) daughter

Because the real life soijak writers wrote him as a Trump voter and the nigger telling him that Trump is the one lying and the mainstream media is good boys


its what reddit think pole acts like while looking like what pol thinks reddit look like

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>floors someone his daughter lives with in their drive
i dont think people are mad its just not something you should do

>>believes "alt news" instead the actual trusted news like CNN or MSNBC
How weird of them

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>lol he’s so dumb he believe in wacky conspiracy theories
>anyways this super mega corporation gives Magic science juice to babies to give them superpowers one of which is a senator that blows up peoples heads

>vaught owns the mainstream media
>this guy is a kook! He doesn’t believe in fake news…he watched VNN
some of the satire doesn’t really work in the fictional universe the show has created

Lol, lmao even

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Literally no one still trusts those though

Not really. The only true investigative journalism is coming from the right

Uhh yeah it absolutely IS something you should do. Talk shit, get hit. It's one of the most basic rules and principles of the world.
Some people need to learn. It's not a great thing for a kid to see, but it's something they will understand later, and that is important.

But he listens to the mainstream news. MM was some conspiracy NUT that believes that super heroes are evil

How convenient