Yeah I mean it's all just a bit of a joke isn't it... you don't really believe that do you, user?

Yeah I mean it's all just a bit of a joke isn't it... you don't really believe that do you, user?

Attached: MV5BMWZiODUzMjgtY2FmMS00OGNjLWE4MDctMzZlNzg4NTEzZmQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_.jpg (500x375, 24.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do I look like I'm joking?

Attached: 89475897859787.jpg (1000x1000, 255.07K)

Attached: scream-screaming.gif (220x165, 965.63K)

A guy who was nice to pedophiles and murderers couldn`t even pretend to be civil or unbiased to right wing political personalities from a different country.

Theroux is a faggot hack.


Attached: 4k5otzre.gif (500x267, 811.44K)

Attached: UaJ7rjnV9fmN.gif (520x302, 3.67M)

Attached: 3f87a075-8d5e-4737-91b9-de792b0149f7_text.gif (400x220, 2.44M)

Literally what the fuck is this? It doesn't even make a joke outside of whatever it's referencing. Family guy humor.

chance would be a fine thing

a fine thing indeed

Attached: S06E01-xQQvynli.jpg (700x406, 62.26K)

Are you a real nigga?

Attached: 1366404926365.gif (500x281, 2.96M)

I'm not really a chud I just pretend to fit in with my internet racist friends. I am pretty indifferent on most political topics.

you a real nigga?

Attached: 1526400466145.jpg (1920x1080, 237.89K)

Awful, awful, awful, awful, awful show.

Attached: 1365743199780.gif (540x303, 2.53M)


Attached: louis theroux anorexia.jpg (1920x1080, 91.73K)

Attached: ecstatic, elated.jpg (563x582, 49.21K)

Was it autism?

Attached: 1397401516315.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

Attached: Theroux tv.png (1875x1022, 481.51K)

Attached: Theroux tv2.png (1893x715, 556.38K)

that's fairly savage to linkies

Because he’s a pussy

This guy should have done porn to spite that fat whore. Probably could've gone for a nice black niche. I hate to see anyone being cuckolded.

Holy fuck she's adorable. Love that subtle midwest accent