
Gorn Hub edition


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Best girl still here.

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Why is this fight so shit?

Daddy took me so hard sparks were flying from my ass.

It was a fire hazard.

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Oh boy holiday /trek/ with frens, how is everyone doing?

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Full to bursting with nanomilk

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Incels are being mean to me.

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you're a child grooming faggot and schizophrenic. so is Troongelo

I prefer Horn Rub.

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I want a LOW / SNW crossover.

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Is that urine?

First for evil baby eating alien scum.

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They are just jealous of our awesome mascot, hence the goat hate.

Why can't you be normal?

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Because this was the best fight choreography that 1966 had to offer.

A bigger question is how did THAT alien become the scariest goddamn thing on SNW

single mother household

Definitely just look at the bottom

How woud you even recognize her as Borg? That eye thingy could be anything. She has no typical Borg greeblies.

>grooming children is bad now
Since when does Any Forums dislike pedophilia

This thread is like sleep spit dribbling onto a pillow

>become the scariest goddamn thing on SNW
but user that's not Troongelo's receding hairline, broad man shoulders and giant Jew nose

>How woud you even recognize her as Borg?

I am legit contacting the fbi now. This is no longer a game.

make sure you include the discord link


Man you really suck at games.

Why can’t you be Star Trek

>cheesy green alien suit
>move fast, have heat vision, reproduce by spitting on you and eggs hatch out of your skin
>"no human could handle an adult one alone"


"grooming" is a hate word normies use to stigmatize freethinking people.

Link it. And to all you sting soldiers who raged at my troonposting, it was diversionary a smokescreen. I was always after the pedophiles. Your politics don’t belong here but I’m well aware this is basically an asylum. The child abusers must pay though

Based mods deleting Herpetophobic comments, this thread has far too much anti reptile propaganda.

Yeah, yeah. Don't shit yourself.

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I'm still pissed the bridge doesn't look like it's made of cardboard and plywood.

You will shit your guts out in the pin goat boy.

What other self destructive behaviors do you have besides posting on Trek and drinking piss.

Comedy is very tough on you believe it or not. Other than that I walk the straight an narrow. For the last time I am not the triangle pedo.

Post a standup set or gtfo

Isn’t it amazing how they managed to turn the fascinating premise of a movie about the first man to fly faster than the speed of light into an uninspired zombie flick?

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When memes collide.

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I think I have enough evidence this time including the photo he posted with his room and hairline. People in his life can confirm he made craft beer even if he ditched his setup to remove evidence. Hopefully I will never need to make my presence known here again. Triangle man, I have no mercy for you. You will get what you fucking deserve. Try and convince a judge you were joking

This one time I spent 20 hours a day for weeks having meltdowns in /trek/ then Bashirfaggot and Valley Forge said they thought I was funny and asked if I wanted to have a discord threeway and the entire thread clapped.

You guys are fucking wild with this childish doxxing shit.

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How about some mead, geezer?

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Childish? Your friend is a pedophile. I know you are severely mentally ill and the pills aren’t working anymore but there is nothing childish about protecting the children. Good riddance to all of you

That's a schizo bookshelf if I ever saw one