Can we all agree that this was the last great comedy?

Can we all agree that this was the last great comedy?

Attached: This Is the End (2013).jpg (2025x3000, 1.81M)

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Pick one.

Tropic Thunder was.

there was one funny scene
the last best comedy was the greasy strangler or the house that jack built

Fuck off to Reddit with this post faggot

>great comedy
>it's a bunch of jews running around wondering why they aren't ascending to Heaven during the Rapture

Attached: 1409542975805.png (900x810, 599.77K)

Came to post this.

It was the beginning of the end (title lol)

OP probably thinks Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman are hilarious.I like The Other Guys and I still can't beliveve they got Dwayne and Samuel Jackson just to kill them 15 minutes in and they are never seen again

Attached: The_Other_Guys-196514520-large.jpg (1280x720, 135.4K)


Attached: file.png (1000x1482, 1.96M)

Great ending too.

Kek. These are all redditor stoner degenerate tier movies. None of these are worth watching more than 1 time

Jew nepotism the movie

>Talking shit about tropic thunder
>It's le reddit
Eat shit faggot

>aziz ansari

That’s not MacGruber

>a bunch of jews running around wondering why they aren't ascending to Heaven during the Rapture
Uhm yeah? How is that not a great comedy plot

This came out last year and is a better comedy film than anything those guys ever made.

Attached: Red_Rocket_(film).jpg (259x384, 59.15K)

thats not Tropic Thunder

Attached: MV5BNDE5NjQzMDkzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODI3ODI3MQ@@._V1_.jpg (1457x2048, 500.6K)

This was unironically Satanic.

>tropic thunder
the whole movie has a blackface and makes fun on retards, i dont think reddit trannies like it

oh god...

Reddit loves Tropic Thunder.

jesus christ it feels like yesterday i saw that shit in theaters how did 14 years go by so fast??

Any movie Danny McBride in is gold. And fuck Seth Rogen

It’s peak Redditor humor from that era of Reddit. Overall not funny. “Never go full retard” is such le Reddit humor. Pic related. This format of meme is only for low IQ reddit fags.

Attached: 5E9D28D8-00FA-4EA9-ACB5-7F0FEDC8C597.jpg (400x400, 34.15K)

who thinks these kind of goofy posters look interesting/funny/cool/whatever? I always fucking cringe at them. Even more so as they are not even trying to act on them.

t. Faggot zoomer who was 5 years old when it came out and only knows of it through memes

I saw the movie when I was in college, and hated it. Those memes scream Reddit and you can’t deny it. Go fuck yourself.