Comfy cowboy kino? Never heard of it. Anyway here's strong women in the future

Comfy cowboy kino? Never heard of it. Anyway here's strong women in the future

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goddamn I posted what I thought westworld should be yesterday and didn't get to see any replies.

but basically imagine if this had been something like a slightly more serial and less episodic star-trek where they're just concerned about the day to day operation of the park, guests "discovering themselves", high-corporate business-drama about copyright, IP's, etc.. writers-room fights/drama/etc... tech-support and etc.

Thinking about things like this just makes the pain worse. What if each episode was a different guest arriving and doing a different "quest" within the park. Interacting and interconnecting storylines from other episodes.

so like the original Westworld movie meets Fantasy Island?

Yeah, the park had way more potential than their gay meta storyline

Only strong fembots.

>Strike literal gold and rave reviews with your first season set in a western amusement park
>Write season 2
>Have everybody leave the park
>People don't like it
>Write season 3
>Park is gone entirely


Did anybody watch S4? The trailer made it seem like a new 1930s park was there

I picture an episode involving some of the less-than-interested/enthusiastic tech-support people being dragged along on a rescue mission to a remote corner of the park during a major company shareholder event where they have to pretend to be androids/stay in character..

why do you think anyone gives a fuck what you think the show should be

god this shit was boring

Why so mad?

Watching any episode past season 1 is very saddening

Attached: west world.jpg (1280x720, 47.52K)

Been a while so I may be wrong but the bots should have been dangerous. Had the ability to kill the guests, by kill I mean if they shoot them dead they get "knocked out" of the park like unplugging from The Matrix. They can then respawn/go back in

I call it the Attack on Titan syndrome. It's when you keep coming up with plot twists for the sake of plot twists, to the point where your show loses the elements that made it famous in the first place.

it appears they're still going at it linearly in season 4:

s1e4: "man and black links up with cartels to find some data-servers".. or some shit.

like fucking hell

because you make a retarded post like "oh damn, I posted my garbage opinion on the show yesterday and didn't see the replies. There must have been dozens of them because my opinions are so based."

fucking idiot

the bullets were nanotech and would detonate into dust before they could reach a truly lethal velocity.

Take your meds.

it's frankly the only sensible opinion there is; the first season was the best, and that was largely because it showed day-to-day operations of the park with a cast of likable characters.

More potential for a long-term series, but without the initial high of season 1.

I mean its less likely to blow it's load in one season and then have to try and pick up the pieces.