We have been merciful for too long. Ragnarök begins tomorrow

We have been merciful for too long. Ragnarök begins tomorrow.

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t. Pekka Suomilainen

based fenno-swede

>we have been -ACK!

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Based. As it was written.

>Be Germanic
>Invade Med lands
>Become Med
Such is their fate


Woggish post

ur poolish

Literally who?

Meds do not exist


>doesn't include Sachsen

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I WILL build the Teutonic Knight even if my enemy has faggot horse archers

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East germanic tribe that destroys the huns after attilas death, ruled roughly modern day hungary and romania for a century and then get overrun by the Avars.

Should've picked goths and spammed huskarls from your 999 barracks

Why no Türkiye?

You dense fuck

Honestly never heard of them in my life

It's to get germans activated from their sleepy mode
Bavarians have entered the colosseum


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